Tag: Instagram

Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy

Well hello there! We felt it was time to get back to talking about music and what a better way to celebrate March than to celebrate Irish Music so, for the month of March, I (Emma) am going to dive into the depths of… Continue Reading “Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy”

Lessons in Love Song 1: Lie – Chasing Abbey

‘Tis the season to release love songs and declare that you love someone so much it hurts but that’s not exactly what we got when Chasing Abbey released ‘Lie’ on Friday (February 10th). Instead, Chasing Abbey have released what can only be called a… Continue Reading “Lessons in Love Song 1: Lie – Chasing Abbey”

Music Review: Live Without You – Wild Youth

Lately I’ve been struggling with blog burnout (more about that another time), I’ve lacked the drive and motivation to compose posts for the blog lately. So, rather than force myself to create content, I took a break and celebrated a ‘milestone’ birthday (according to… Continue Reading “Music Review: Live Without You – Wild Youth”

Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey

Our Muchness Guide has never shied away from reviewing Chasing Abbey’s releases and , naturally, the release of ‘Call Out My Name’ is no exception. However, this single took longer to review than the others simply because the minute details that we usually discuss… Continue Reading “Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey”

Music Review: Somehow – Evoke

La Fheile Padraig sona dhuit and, for those non Irish speaking folks, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Before you go off and paint the town green, let us kick off the celebrations by introducing (or reintroducing) you to Evøke. For those of you who are… Continue Reading “Music Review: Somehow – Evoke”

Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth

Well hello there. We’re back with a Wild Youth review. I (Emma) haven’t done a Wild Youth review in a while and this is our first time really diving into the nitty gritty of a Wild Youth song as a team. Their newest single… Continue Reading “Music Review: Seventeen – Wild Youth”

Spotlight Artist: Only The Poets

We are finally back with our Spotlight Artists for 2021. For anyone new to this segment: Welcome! To those who are returning to our blog, Welcome Back! Our next Spotlight Artist for 2021 is the UK band Only The Poets! Their debut EP ‘Speak… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist: Only The Poets”

New Music Friday 26/3/21

Welcome back! Another Friday has come and gone and that means we have some new singles and EPs for you to check out this week. With a surprise release from Ms. Swift and a subtle EP drop from Mr. Horan among all the new… Continue Reading “New Music Friday 26/3/21”

New Music Friday 19/3/21

The weekend has landed and, of course, it is our favourite time of the week: New Music Friday! This week we have fully embraced being influenced by a number of different music genres and songs we found thanks to Tik Tok. You’ll also find… Continue Reading “New Music Friday 19/3/21”

Music Review: Mystic Forest – Meghan Ali

It is safe to say one of the most important art mediums getting us through this lockdown is music and especially new music! Today, we are introducing you to a new Irish musician, Cork native and singer-songwriter Meghan Ali. She released her debut single… Continue Reading “Music Review: Mystic Forest – Meghan Ali”