Tag: Immortals Fenyx Rising

July 2022 Monthly Round Up

The busiest month in our household has finally come to an end…  July! Between celebrating All of the birthdays (mine included), working and finishing up the in person part of my Forest School course; there hasn’t been much time set aside for down time.… Continue Reading “July 2022 Monthly Round Up”

October 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there, I hope you all had a very happy Halloween and a very blessed Samhain. So the craziest thing happened this month; I’m pretty sure I hallucinated and we were at an actual gig with very little in the way of restrictions…in… Continue Reading “October 2021 Monthly Round Up”

September 2021 Monthly Round Up

It’s time again to sum up a month in a few sentences but, before we get to that part, can we just talk about the fact that we were at actual gigs this month? September is a great step towards normal and we’re hoping… Continue Reading “September 2021 Monthly Round Up”

April 2021 Monthly Round Up

It feels like only yesterday we were putting together last month’s Monthly Round Up as April truly flew by. This month we have been enjoying the warmer and summery weather. We’ve been spoilt for choice with amazing music this month which has helped us… Continue Reading “April 2021 Monthly Round Up”

February 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Welcome back to another Monthly Round Up! February just flew by for us here at Our Muchness Guide. It was jammed packed with homeschooling, gaming and lots of walks in our local areas! We celebrated the release of the first rerecording of… Continue Reading “February 2021 Monthly Round Up”