Tag: Hands To Myself

My Year in Music February 2023

Well, February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. This month was stressful and an emotional gut punch all in one go. I always love months that try to leave a mark before they go but, as always, we don’t appreciate… Continue Reading “My Year in Music February 2023”

My Year In Music – February 2022

Last month, I gave you the reasoning or the context behind a lot of my choices for the month. This month I haven’t included as many because I didn’t make as many notes about my song choices this month due to a lot of… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – February 2022”

My Year in Music – September 2021

Do you remember September? It passed by so fast I completely understand if you don’t. Schools are back in session and so are colleges and it seems like life has returned to some semblance of normal around here. The most abnormal normal thing though?… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – September 2021”

25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation

So in case you haven’t guessed, the Covid19 pandemic has really put a spanner in some of the plans we made but we shall soldier on while we social distance and self isolate. #WeAreAllinThisTogether. But it got me thinking what songs would you think… Continue Reading “25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation”