Tag: Halloweeny

October Monthly Round Up

Greetings children of the night, ghosts, ghouls and monsters of all ages. It is the last day of spooky season, Spooktober has come to an end and Blogtober has seen us post every single day this month and pass 100 posts on our blog!… Continue Reading “October Monthly Round Up”

Sam-Hane? Samhain!

We can officially say Happy Halloween! But, you guys, it’s only October 30th! Well dearest mortals it is but today’s blog post is all about the festival that inspired the modern festivities that we know as Halloween – Samhain (Modern Irish). Apart from the… Continue Reading “Sam-Hane? Samhain!”

The Monster Halloween Playlist

So rather than giving you with just a month’s worth of random songs for My Year in Music (which I will do on the 1st as always), Niamh and I decided that because it’s Spooktober to give you a playlist filled with the best… Continue Reading “The Monster Halloween Playlist”

8 Great Halloweeny Musicals

So far in Spooktober we have looked at some fearsome monsters, covered some TV and Movie must sees and re-lived Halloween of Years gone by. But, today Day 11 of Spooktober has got a Musical twist to it! So, get ready with some gruesome… Continue Reading “8 Great Halloweeny Musicals”

The List of Lesser Known Monsters

Greeting guys and ghouls, gals and Gorgons; it is time for another Spooktober blog post and, this time around, I’m here to talk to you about the monsters that have mostly avoided appearing on the big screen… These are the real monsters of the… Continue Reading “The List of Lesser Known Monsters”

Halloween Party Games

This post is dedicated to the inner child in us all as we all try to plan how exactly we are going to celebrate Halloween this year. For most of my childhood and all of my siblings’, we never went trick or treating because… Continue Reading “Halloween Party Games”

ASMR Halloween Special

Hello Witches, Wizards, Creature of the Night and Humans! It’s getting closer to Halloween by the day and, in true spooky fashion, October wouldn’t be October without the fantastic and unique ASMR content on YouTube! October is the month where you are guaranteed to… Continue Reading “ASMR Halloween Special”

Favourite Halloween Costumes of the Past

Day six is dedicated to those who go all out for Halloween. A number of my friends spent weeks planning their Halloween Costumes, Hair and Make Up while I usually scrambled to put something fun together last minute. So, as everyone scrambles to make… Continue Reading “Favourite Halloween Costumes of the Past”

Halloweeny Movies

Hello Guys, Ghouls and Girls it’s Day One of Spooktober and we’re kicking it off with a nice, atmospheric post today. Over the next few days we will be introducing you to a number of fun, Halloweeny and Spooky things! Niamh here and I… Continue Reading “Halloweeny Movies”