Tag: Guess Thats Love

My Year In Music – August 2021

Well didn’t August just fly by this year? But, hey, I didn’t see most of it because I was working. But the start of a new month means that I’m done with my summer contract for this year and my “summer break” can begin.… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August 2021”

New Music Super Mega Post!

It’s been a while since us here at Our Muchness Guide got a chance to sit down and write our thoughts on all the new music that has appeared on the scene recently. So today is a New Music Mega Post listen to our… Continue Reading “New Music Super Mega Post!”

June 2021 Monthly Round Up

Happy end of June everyone! We all survived a month with amazing weather that resulted in very high levels of pollen for the majority of June here in Ireland and we (Niamh mainly) are proud we survived! June has kicked up our work schedules… Continue Reading “June 2021 Monthly Round Up”