Tag: Green Day

My Year In Music – December 2021

Happy Holiday Season HO-HO-Homies! It’s the New Year and we’re posting like it’s kind of going out of fashion. Christmas is always a hectic time of year but January is a fresh start and another chance to show the very best versions of ourselves.… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – December 2021”

My Year In Music – August 2021

Well didn’t August just fly by this year? But, hey, I didn’t see most of it because I was working. But the start of a new month means that I’m done with my summer contract for this year and my “summer break” can begin.… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August 2021”

My Year in Music – April 2021

So this month’s My Year in Music song choices are based on prompts I saw on a song a day for April post that I saw on my Instagram (it was Golden Discs that provided the prompts, if I’m not mistaken) so I said… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2021”

My Year in Music – June

Another year older, another year wiser is what people always say but that wiser part is questionable at best when it comes to me. June has come and gone and you know what that means!! We’re both back to work being responsible adults…(bet you… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – June”

My Year in Music – May 2020

Another month, another extended stay in isolation but the good news is that restrictions are gradually being relaxed in Ireland, so we’ll soon be back to our usual social selves hopefully. I’m aware that this is later than usual this time around but more… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2020”