Tag: Galway

The Truth About Ireland

(or, you know, facts about Ireland. The actual title just seems a bit more dramatic XD) Since it’s the most Irish day of the year and we know everyone wants to be Irish today, I’ve decided to give you some facts about our beautiful… Continue Reading “The Truth About Ireland”

Music Review: Somehow – Evoke

La Fheile Padraig sona dhuit and, for those non Irish speaking folks, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Before you go off and paint the town green, let us kick off the celebrations by introducing (or reintroducing) you to Evøke. For those of you who are… Continue Reading “Music Review: Somehow – Evoke”

Gig Review: Roisin O

Gigs were truly back with a bang over the past few weeks for us here at Our Muchness Guide! With a few days to reflect on a fantastic reintroduction to the Irish Music Scene, we are happy to say it was like we never… Continue Reading “Gig Review: Roisin O”

5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Early St Patrick’s Day one and all! Saint Patrick Day is the one day of the year everyone around the world with any sort of Irish heritage gets to celebrate everything that makes the Irish culture and heritage great! We, here at Our… Continue Reading “5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day”

Music Video Review – Evoke – Revelations

As soon as Our Muchness Guide got the opportunity to write about Evoke again, I jumped at the chance. Evoke have been regulars in our posts, our Spotlight Artist only a few months ago and we were more than happy to review their new… Continue Reading “Music Video Review – Evoke – Revelations”

Best Start Believing In Ghost Stories Ireland….You’re in One

Good evening. For those of you who don’t know already, Niamh and I are from the sometimes wonderful island of Ireland. Since we are in the run up to my favourite holiday, Halloween, I feel that it is 100% necessary to scare the living… Continue Reading “Best Start Believing In Ghost Stories Ireland….You’re in One”

Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke

For those of you who have been with us a while, you will be familiar with Galway based band Evøke who will be releasing their debut EP “Revelatiøns” on the 27th of this month. For those who don’t know, allow us to introduce you… Continue Reading “Spotlight Artist and EP Review – Revelations EP – Evoke”

Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!

Galway based band, Evøke, are fusing genres that some people would never consider as compatible but the beauty of Evoke is that there is a method behind their madness. The self-described “Indie/pop/fusion trad band” are about to release their newest single ‘Can You Feel… Continue Reading “Can You Feel It – Evøke – O.M.G. Exclusive Sneak Peek!”

Cause That’s How It Is Where We’re From

Home. It means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Home could be where you were born and raised. It could be the house you grew up in as a kid but one thing that is usually associated with the… Continue Reading “Cause That’s How It Is Where We’re From”

Chasing the Blues Away – Music Addition

January is here and I don’t know about you, but this is the time of year I physically have to push myself to be social. Some call it the January Blues, some may call it being broke after Christmas but, whatever the case it… Continue Reading “Chasing the Blues Away – Music Addition”