Tag: February

My Year in Music February 2023

Well, February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. This month was stressful and an emotional gut punch all in one go. I always love months that try to leave a mark before they go but, as always, we don’t appreciate… Continue Reading “My Year in Music February 2023”

February 2023 Monthly Round Up

Another month ends and I speak for both of us at Our Muchness Guide when I say we won’t miss February 2023! Between work being insane, one of us being ill for twenty days of the month with two different illnesses while the other… Continue Reading “February 2023 Monthly Round Up”

Lessons in Love Song 1: Lie – Chasing Abbey

‘Tis the season to release love songs and declare that you love someone so much it hurts but that’s not exactly what we got when Chasing Abbey released ‘Lie’ on Friday (February 10th). Instead, Chasing Abbey have released what can only be called a… Continue Reading “Lessons in Love Song 1: Lie – Chasing Abbey”

January 2023 Monthly Round Up

Well if that wasn’t the most January January to ever January… It only took about 4 years to end. Welcome to 2023’s first monthly round up! I know we’ve been teasing lots of different things for this year already on Twitter and such but… Continue Reading “January 2023 Monthly Round Up”

February 2022 Monthly Round Up

Hello there! It’s been a crazy month and finding the time to blog regularly has been difficult for both of us to say the least. We have been doing our best to post as often as possible but being responsible adults makes it hard.… Continue Reading “February 2022 Monthly Round Up”

January 2022 Monthly Round Up

Does January feel really long to anyone else or is it just me? I think everyone made it through without too much hassle which is always a positive but we’ll move swiftly on for fear of jinxing anything. January saw Ireland removing a lot… Continue Reading “January 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – February 2021

Is everyone ready for March Madness to begin?! Yeah?! Too bad, Ireland is still in lockdown; stay at home. Stay safe and social distance. Well, February certainly kept me entertained (looking at you Chasing Abbey and all your TikToks) and, despite all my efforts,… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – February 2021”

‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’

Such an interesting title for a rather simple concept! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, my mind is drawn to the countless music playlists that flood the internet every February in the run up to making people feel that “love is in the… Continue Reading “‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go?’ Or The Mindset of ‘Someday I’ll Have This!’”

January 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there! January is done and dusted and the month simultaneously dragged and flew by but here we all are at the end of it. Ireland remains in lockdown but the vaccine is being rolled out so we’re getting there gradually. This January… Continue Reading “January 2021 Monthly Round Up”

February 2020 – Monthly Round Up

February is out of here! I honestly think no one can be as glad that February is over, as much as Niamh. We are happy to report Niamh isn’t dead in a corner somewhere after an insane Midterm in work and no one got… Continue Reading “February 2020 – Monthly Round Up”