Tag: events

My Year In…

We made it to the end of 2021 in one piece, dear readers. It may have been extremely tough at times but we made it! Before we ring in the New Year, we decided to close the chapter on 2021 in style by summing… Continue Reading “My Year In…”

November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days!… Continue Reading “November 2021 Monthly Round Up”

Gig Review: Wild Youth

After months of staying in contact ‘Through the Phone’ and via the Wild Youth Facebook group, we finally got to ‘Lose Control’ at our first Wild Youth gig (since December 2019) on Friday the 17th of September. The venue? The Set Theatre, Kilkenny. The… Continue Reading “Gig Review: Wild Youth”

Gig Review: Roisin O

Gigs were truly back with a bang over the past few weeks for us here at Our Muchness Guide! With a few days to reflect on a fantastic reintroduction to the Irish Music Scene, we are happy to say it was like we never… Continue Reading “Gig Review: Roisin O”

5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Early St Patrick’s Day one and all! Saint Patrick Day is the one day of the year everyone around the world with any sort of Irish heritage gets to celebrate everything that makes the Irish culture and heritage great! We, here at Our… Continue Reading “5 Things to Tune into This Saint Patrick’s Day”

January 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there! January is done and dusted and the month simultaneously dragged and flew by but here we all are at the end of it. Ireland remains in lockdown but the vaccine is being rolled out so we’re getting there gradually. This January… Continue Reading “January 2021 Monthly Round Up”

Culture Night 2019

Why should you go out and celebrate Culture Night? Does anyone else list themselves as: a gig goer, a theatre goer, a lover of Irish Literature, a photographer, a museum explorer or just loves transporting themselves inside the art itself? If so, the following… Continue Reading “Culture Night 2019”