Tag: Eminem

My Year In Music March & April

Remind me never to ask for a month to be nicer to me because it does NOT work! In case you haven’t noticed there was a month of music missing. Unfortunately, I was very very sick at the start of April for the first… Continue Reading “My Year In Music March & April”

My Year In Music October 2022

This month, I felt like influencing the My Year in Music playlist a lot more and hand picking some tracks that I feel needed to be included in this year’s playlist. So much so that I started and finished this post less than 24… Continue Reading “My Year In Music October 2022”

My Year In Music – January 2022

New Year, New M…y Year in Music playlists! I could have said me but I know for a fact I’m going to be the same person that I was last year. January was actually an okay start to the year and we’ll hope we… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – January 2022”

My Year in Music – October 2021

So, October was kind of like a reunion with gigs instead of people. They’re back and even though how they’re being run so far isn’t exactly perfect at least they’re back in some capacity. Being back at gigs has brought back the joy of… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – October 2021”

The Monster Halloween Playlist

So rather than giving you with just a month’s worth of random songs for My Year in Music (which I will do on the 1st as always), Niamh and I decided that because it’s Spooktober to give you a playlist filled with the best… Continue Reading “The Monster Halloween Playlist”

O.M.G Sneak Peek – Right Now – T UGNA

Hello dear readers! Today we have another music exclusive for you. T UGNA’s “Right Now” drops at midnight and we, here at Our Muchness Guide, are incredibly excited for this song to be out. T UGNA’s name might sound familiar as he is the… Continue Reading “O.M.G Sneak Peek – Right Now – T UGNA”

My Year in Music – May 2020

Another month, another extended stay in isolation but the good news is that restrictions are gradually being relaxed in Ireland, so we’ll soon be back to our usual social selves hopefully. I’m aware that this is later than usual this time around but more… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – May 2020”

My Year in Music – March 2020

March has been insane but we’ve battled through it all. Stay at home, keep an eye on each other and as always enjoy the new additions to the My Year in Songs playlists on Spotify and YouTube. Do the next right thing. Stay happy… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – March 2020”

My Year In Music – February 2020

It’s already the end of February but you know that means a wonderful selection of music has been added to the My Year in Music playlists. 1 song every day, for a year. Let’s just jump right into it 🙂 Feb 1: Gotta Find You… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – February 2020”