Tag: Dr. Seuss


Evening all! It’s Day 3 of Blogtober and today’s blog post is all about Dyslexia. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s Niamh here and I have severe Dyslexia. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and what is quickly turning into tradition is me writing a… Continue Reading “#ShoutAboutDyslexia”

Blogmas: Movies To Watch This Blogmas

So, the turkey has been decimated and you may not see your toes until the New Year but Christmas isn’t Christmas without some good movies to sit back and enjoy while you slip into a food coma so, naturally, we have some suggestions for… Continue Reading “Blogmas: Movies To Watch This Blogmas”

September’s Monthly Round-Up

Here we are at the end of the month! Finally, I think Green Day say it best when they sing ‘Wake Me Up When September ends!’. September what a month it has been! Everyone is back into the swing of school/college or work. It’s… Continue Reading “September’s Monthly Round-Up”