Tag: Christina Aguilera

My Year In Music October 2022

This month, I felt like influencing the My Year in Music playlist a lot more and hand picking some tracks that I feel needed to be included in this year’s playlist. So much so that I started and finished this post less than 24… Continue Reading “My Year In Music October 2022”

My Year In Music – August 2021

Well didn’t August just fly by this year? But, hey, I didn’t see most of it because I was working. But the start of a new month means that I’m done with my summer contract for this year and my “summer break” can begin.… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August 2021”

My Year In Music – July 2021

Hello my Lovelies! July has come and gone and left me with a tan which is pretty crazy if you ask me but the more important thing right now is making some additions to the My Year in Music playlist! This month saw me… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – July 2021”

My Year in Music – April 2021

So this month’s My Year in Music song choices are based on prompts I saw on a song a day for April post that I saw on my Instagram (it was Golden Discs that provided the prompts, if I’m not mistaken) so I said… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2021”


Hi! You’re beautiful! Did you know that? I hope you did. You deserve to hear it everyday. You deserve to tell yourself that you are handsome, fierce, good looking, beautiful, pretty, stunning, iconic, soooo fetch, whatever positive, affirming phrases or adjectives you want to… Continue Reading “Beautiful”