Tag: Chasing Abbey

2022 Yearly Round Up

If I’m not mistaken, it’s been a while since we’ve recapped a whole year. Naturally, we didn’t post as regularly this year because life decided to return to kind of normal and somehow more hectic and chaotic than ever. But people still took time… Continue Reading “2022 Yearly Round Up”

November 2022 Monthly Round Up

Another month is just over and can you believe we have already survived through 11 months of the year? November saw work turn hectic again, reunions with good friends and our favourite wall that we like to hide by and; two unforgettable concerts for… Continue Reading “November 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In Music October 2022

This month, I felt like influencing the My Year in Music playlist a lot more and hand picking some tracks that I feel needed to be included in this year’s playlist. So much so that I started and finished this post less than 24… Continue Reading “My Year In Music October 2022”

October 2022 Monthly Round Up

Did we accidentally forget about one of the most recurring posts on our blog? Pfft never!! But, have no fear, the round-up is here! Also it was entirely my (Emma’s) fault because I can’t stop procrastinating. But a belated Happy Halloween and a blessed… Continue Reading “October 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year In Music July 2022

Just a bit later than usual but the playlist has landed! Last time July came around, we weren’t making our annual pilgrimage to Mitchelstown because of the plague that shall not be named. This time around we’re not going because we’re doing something even… Continue Reading “My Year In Music July 2022”

July 2022 Monthly Round Up

The busiest month in our household has finally come to an end…  July! Between celebrating All of the birthdays (mine included), working and finishing up the in person part of my Forest School course; there hasn’t been much time set aside for down time.… Continue Reading “July 2022 Monthly Round Up”

Single Spotlight: Hometown – MARTYY & Chasing Abbey

In an ever growing world where new music is constantly being released, it pays off to stand out from the crowd. The ever popular sneak peak snippets can sometimes get lost in the mass uploads on social media platforms. So, bringing something original to… Continue Reading “Single Spotlight: Hometown – MARTYY & Chasing Abbey”

My Year in Music April 2022

It’s a bit later in the evening than usual but Hi everybody! Another month has been and gone and we have a whole new batch of songs for you to enjoy! A lot of these songs were literally the first songs that sprang to… Continue Reading “My Year in Music April 2022”

Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey

Our Muchness Guide has never shied away from reviewing Chasing Abbey’s releases and , naturally, the release of ‘Call Out My Name’ is no exception. However, this single took longer to review than the others simply because the minute details that we usually discuss… Continue Reading “Music Review: Call Out My Name – Chasing Abbey”

March 2022 Monthly Round Up

Welcome to another monthly Round Up All! We hope everyone enjoyed celebrating St Patrick’s Day and are surviving this current next round of a certain rise in cases. Although it’s been a quick month for us here at Our Muchness Guide, it’s been jam… Continue Reading “March 2022 Monthly Round Up”