Tag: Budapest

5 Ways to Reset & Plan For 2023

Happy New Year dear readers! Although many people reflect on the year that was and plan for the New Year in December, I’m starting 2023 off with a reset and planning as illness got in the way! It is never too late to sit… Continue Reading “5 Ways to Reset & Plan For 2023”

My Year In Music October 2022

This month, I felt like influencing the My Year in Music playlist a lot more and hand picking some tracks that I feel needed to be included in this year’s playlist. So much so that I started and finished this post less than 24… Continue Reading “My Year In Music October 2022”

Black Widow: Movie Review

Well, we gave you plenty of time to see the movie but it’s time for us to review the movie that both of us have been waiting for this year: Black Widow. It is finally the original female Avenger’s turn to get her own… Continue Reading “Black Widow: Movie Review”

My Year In Music – August

August has come and gone and school is in session, ladies and gents, which means that I am officially on my holidays after finishing my contract in the local Post Office for another year. You know those holidays that I can’t go on because… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August”