Tag: Britney Spears

My Year In Music March & April

Remind me never to ask for a month to be nicer to me because it does NOT work! In case you haven’t noticed there was a month of music missing. Unfortunately, I was very very sick at the start of April for the first… Continue Reading “My Year In Music March & April”

My Year in Music August/September 2022

I’M BAAAAAACK! It’s been a while since new songs were added to the My Year in Music playlist simply because, on the last day of last month, I was living my best life in Amsterdam soaking up the wonderfulness that is The Netherlands. It felt… Continue Reading “My Year in Music August/September 2022”

My Year In Music – July 2021

Hello my Lovelies! July has come and gone and left me with a tan which is pretty crazy if you ask me but the more important thing right now is making some additions to the My Year in Music playlist! This month saw me… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – July 2021”

The F1 Name Association Game!

Well hello there! I know that lately both Niamh and I have talked an awful lot more about Formula 1. However, some of you may not know some of the drivers on the grid and, I (Emma) have decided to try my best to… Continue Reading “The F1 Name Association Game!”

My Year in Music – July

“July please I’m on my knees” Leave, you were soooooo long! This simultaneously feels like the fastest and the slowest year of my life so far, if that makes sense. It is August and as always it’s time to add to our pretty damn… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – July”

25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation

So in case you haven’t guessed, the Covid19 pandemic has really put a spanner in some of the plans we made but we shall soldier on while we social distance and self isolate. #WeAreAllinThisTogether. But it got me thinking what songs would you think… Continue Reading “25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation”

My Year in Music – Jan 2020

So for the past month, I’ve chosen a song a day. Almost like keeping a diary but not quite as private or personal. Maybe it was the first song I heard that day, maybe it was the song that matched my mood or maybe… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – Jan 2020”

Matters of the Heart – Ruthanne

With a newly released debut album, “Matters of the Heart”, and dates in The Academy in Dublin and in Colours in London, Ruthanne really seems unstoppable right now. With more songwriter credits than any normal human being would know what to do with, you… Continue Reading “Matters of the Heart – Ruthanne”