Tag: Believe

My Year In Music – February 2022

Last month, I gave you the reasoning or the context behind a lot of my choices for the month. This month I haven’t included as many because I didn’t make as many notes about my song choices this month due to a lot of… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – February 2022”

My Year in Music – July

“July please I’m on my knees” Leave, you were soooooo long! This simultaneously feels like the fastest and the slowest year of my life so far, if that makes sense. It is August and as always it’s time to add to our pretty damn… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – July”

Blogmas: Movies To Watch This Blogmas

So, the turkey has been decimated and you may not see your toes until the New Year but Christmas isn’t Christmas without some good movies to sit back and enjoy while you slip into a food coma so, naturally, we have some suggestions for… Continue Reading “Blogmas: Movies To Watch This Blogmas”