Tag: Avril Lavigne

My Year In Music March & April

Remind me never to ask for a month to be nicer to me because it does NOT work! In case you haven’t noticed there was a month of music missing. Unfortunately, I was very very sick at the start of April for the first… Continue Reading “My Year In Music March & April”

My Year In Music – June 2022

Well well well. We’re half way there now. 6 months of music all in one place and 6 more to come. While preparing the MYIM posts, I use the previous year’s posts as templates and I always find these post so fun to look… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – June 2022”

February 2022 Monthly Round Up

Hello there! It’s been a crazy month and finding the time to blog regularly has been difficult for both of us to say the least. We have been doing our best to post as often as possible but being responsible adults makes it hard.… Continue Reading “February 2022 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – April 2021

So this month’s My Year in Music song choices are based on prompts I saw on a song a day for April post that I saw on my Instagram (it was Golden Discs that provided the prompts, if I’m not mistaken) so I said… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – April 2021”

25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation

So in case you haven’t guessed, the Covid19 pandemic has really put a spanner in some of the plans we made but we shall soldier on while we social distance and self isolate. #WeAreAllinThisTogether. But it got me thinking what songs would you think… Continue Reading “25 Songs for Covid19 Isolation”

Who Are We?! XOXO

We started our blog and never really introduced ourselves, so here we go! (And, yes, that title really was a Wild Child reference.) What’s the best thing before sliced bread? Niamh: Indoor Plumbing. It’s gonna be big. Aw Hunkules! If there’s a spider in… Continue Reading “Who Are We?! XOXO”