Tag: Assassins Creed

June 2022 Monthly Round Up

The saying goes older and wiser but I’ve yet to see the truth in that because the day after my birthday I managed to burn my hand by being a complete muppet. But I’m here writing this so that means a) my hand is… Continue Reading “June 2022 Monthly Round Up”

April 2022 Monthly Round Up

So, this April we lived our best tourist lives on what one can only describe as a holiday for Niamh (and those are rare) who got a name change while we were there too XD You have to admire the British attempt at anglicizing… Continue Reading “April 2022 Monthly Round Up”

February 2022 Monthly Round Up

Hello there! It’s been a crazy month and finding the time to blog regularly has been difficult for both of us to say the least. We have been doing our best to post as often as possible but being responsible adults makes it hard.… Continue Reading “February 2022 Monthly Round Up”

May 2021 Monthly Round up

We are more free in Ireland now than we have been in over 6 months. We can travel from county to county and meet up with friends. What madness is this?! Both Niamh and I are getting back to work but that doesn’t mean… Continue Reading “May 2021 Monthly Round up”

November Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Start off November’s Monthly Round Up by taking a deep breath and exhale slowly; we all made it through November! It’s been a whirlwind of a month with lots of things happening across the world and at home and yet; it still… Continue Reading “November Monthly Round Up”

October Monthly Round Up

Greetings children of the night, ghosts, ghouls and monsters of all ages. It is the last day of spooky season, Spooktober has come to an end and Blogtober has seen us post every single day this month and pass 100 posts on our blog!… Continue Reading “October Monthly Round Up”