Tag: Ariana Grande

Ultimate Summer Vibes

Well hello darlings! We took a break to rest up and get back to full health (almost) and the reset did us the world of good. Summer has kicked into high gear in Ireland (kind of). In between the summer showers, you might feel… Continue Reading “Ultimate Summer Vibes”

New Music Weekend 23/4/21

Another weekend, another collection of our favourite new releases to share with you all and with a few Homegrown Heroes thrown into the mix. This week, I, Emma, even looked back and found a track that we somehow overlooked earlier in the month but… Continue Reading “New Music Weekend 23/4/21”

New Music weekend 2/4/21

Another week has passed and it’s our favourite time of the week again; it’s New Music time! This week sees a number of artists that started their careers as Disney Stars, a few artists who have been on our playlists for years and a… Continue Reading “New Music weekend 2/4/21”

My Year in Music – December

*gingermeister voice*(look them up on TikTok, coffee gremlin is hilarious) Hello! It is the last playlist addition of 2020 which means I can officially say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This month’s selection of songs is different as these aren’t songs I heard; these are some… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – December”

2020 Yearly Round Up

Well, I’m fairly certain no one will be sad to see the back of 2020. We’ll be ringing in the New Year so we can be certain that January 1st arrives and we don’t get December 32nd and the 13th level of Jumanji. But,… Continue Reading “2020 Yearly Round Up”

My Year in Music – November

Hello! Merry panic buying gifts for people you thought you knew really well and suddenly can not remember a thing about all of a sudden! Too accurate? Because that’s what I’m trying, and failing miserably, not to do right now. But ‘tis officially the… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – November”

My Year in Music – Jan 2020

So for the past month, I’ve chosen a song a day. Almost like keeping a diary but not quite as private or personal. Maybe it was the first song I heard that day, maybe it was the song that matched my mood or maybe… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – Jan 2020”