Tag: Anime

One Piece: Live Action Review

You know a story is going to be good when a pirate captain starts his story on a sinking… boat. Much like Captain Jack Sparrow, Luffy starts his story in a sinking boat too but has infinite optimism for what looks like a spectacular… Continue Reading “One Piece: Live Action Review”

July 2022 Monthly Round Up

The busiest month in our household has finally come to an end…  July! Between celebrating All of the birthdays (mine included), working and finishing up the in person part of my Forest School course; there hasn’t been much time set aside for down time.… Continue Reading “July 2022 Monthly Round Up”

Must See Halloween TV

Day 3 of Spooktober and we are going to look at my favourite thing to binge watch for the entire of September and October ahead of Halloween; TV Shows! Throw out your preconceptions of me based on my top movie picks to watch with… Continue Reading “Must See Halloween TV”

Introducing… Studio Ghibli

I bet if I asked you what your favourite movie was that, after some thought and deliberation, you’d be able to give me an answer. Now, what if I was to ask you what your favourite film studio is? And your top 5 movies… Continue Reading “Introducing… Studio Ghibli”