Tag: Alice in Wonderland

April Monthly Round Up

Here’s to the longest month in existence: APRIL!!! Another few weeks of lockdown done and dusted; yeah, it’s hard but every day is another day closer to the end of it all but we’re not there just yet. We’re doing our best to have… Continue Reading “April Monthly Round Up”

Disney Top 10s

So with isolation fever setting in, now is the time to sit down in front of the TV and regress, right? And with Disney+ in so many homes now, it’s easier than ever to become a kid again. Everyone has their favourites but what… Continue Reading “Disney Top 10s”

October’s Monthly Round-Up

October is over and it has been a crazy month. Spooky season has ended and it is creeping closer to Christmas. We were in London and saw the wonderful Coronas, the ever fabulous Ruthanne in Dublin and I (Emma) got to see the kick… Continue Reading “October’s Monthly Round-Up”