Tag: Adele

November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days!… Continue Reading “November 2021 Monthly Round Up”

My Year in Music – October 2021

So, October was kind of like a reunion with gigs instead of people. They’re back and even though how they’re being run so far isn’t exactly perfect at least they’re back in some capacity. Being back at gigs has brought back the joy of… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – October 2021”

My Year In Music – August

August has come and gone and school is in session, ladies and gents, which means that I am officially on my holidays after finishing my contract in the local Post Office for another year. You know those holidays that I can’t go on because… Continue Reading “My Year In Music – August”