Tag: 2020

Formula One: Drive to Survive

What is Formula One? It is a planned motor racing championship consisting of 20 drivers and 10 teams. With top speeds of nearly 300 km/h, the single seater racing competition is the highest class of international auto racing authorised by the Federation Internationale de… Continue Reading “Formula One: Drive to Survive”

My Year in Music – December

*gingermeister voice*(look them up on TikTok, coffee gremlin is hilarious) Hello! It is the last playlist addition of 2020 which means I can officially say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This month’s selection of songs is different as these aren’t songs I heard; these are some… Continue Reading “My Year in Music – December”

2020 Yearly Round Up

Well, I’m fairly certain no one will be sad to see the back of 2020. We’ll be ringing in the New Year so we can be certain that January 1st arrives and we don’t get December 32nd and the 13th level of Jumanji. But,… Continue Reading “2020 Yearly Round Up”

July Monthly Round Up

Hello hello dear readers! July is FINALLY over and boy did it fly! We are all birthday-ed out here (well Niamh is anyway). Work is back with a vengeance. Many many hours, lots of customers and we are missing the majority of the nice… Continue Reading “July Monthly Round Up”

Extraction – The Review

Extraction: (noun) the action of extracting or removing something, especially using effort or force. That pretty much sums up the movie Extraction. Action combined with effort or force. Generally force and blood. A lot of blood and guns. Don’t forget the guns. On the… Continue Reading “Extraction – The Review”

January 2020 – Monthly Round Up

And the longest month goes to… January! I hope everyone survived the January Blues if they were hit with them and to others: I hope you are happy that January happened! Niamh here, it’s been a hot minute since I introduced one of these… Continue Reading “January 2020 – Monthly Round Up”