October 2023 Monthly Round Up

Autumn has truly hit us with the bad weather in recent days as we both drowned in Halloween movies, sweets and a howling good time (howling, get it?). October saw us attend a Chasing Abbey fan event in honour of the munchkins in my life, Emma injuring her back majorly (editor’s note: it was not a fun time. Trust me) and me surrounded by Halloween Midterm Mayhem! So sit back and enjoy as we take a look back at the spookiest time of the year!

Book of the Month

E: Throne of the Fallen – Kerri Maniscalco

N: I didn’t get to read anything this month

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Partner Track

N: The Burning Girls

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Love At First Sight – sweet enough to rot your teeth but still good.

N: Halloweentown (it’s tradition!)

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Monster High – yes, I know it’s for kids and I still watched it.

N: Zombies 2


Gaming Picks

E: Spider-Man 2. The way I am waiting for the LN4xSpider-Man skin to drop is unhealthy.

N: F1 23. I’m Killin it really and crashing a lot!


Single of the Month

E: Chris Pratt – Roisin O

N: Chris Pratt – Roisin O

Album/EP of the Month

E: 1989 (Taylor’s Version) – Taylor Swift

N: The Qween is back so… 1989 (Taylor’s Version) – Taylor Swift

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About October?

E: There was nothing really exceptional about October for me to be quite honest.

N: Creating and leading Halloween Workshops.

Favourite Item of the Month

E: Heat Patches – Perfect for a back injury.

N: Gilmore Girls Mug

Event of the Month

E: Chasing Abbey live in the Bridge Centre, Tullamore since it was the only thing I got to do this month. Yes, I did cackle about them going to Eurovision and, no, I don’t regret it.

N: Skywalk At Night, facing my fears at night was intense but, fun!

Moment of the Month

E: Realising I really am that bad at remembering events that I now have to invite the blog email to my events so I know if I’m clashing with other events and still failing anyway.

N: Surviving getting stitches

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Enjoy the butterflies. Enjoy being naive. Enjoy the nerves, the pressure…” Daniel Ricciardo – the whole quote is far too long to include in its entirety but it sums up everything pretty perfectly.

N: “Let’s go lando” x1000000000 times!

Three things you are most excited about for November.

E: A full range of motion 😀 a gig or two and the end of the F1 calendar which means we’ll be doing a season round up around the time of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

N: Cringey Christmas movies start to appear, the beginning of the Chasing Abbey tour and Science Week.

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