August 2023 Monthly Round Up

Welcome back to our latest instalment of our Monthly Round Ups. August has been filled with catch ups, trying to enjoy the weather and relax when not working. Keen eye readers will be aware this is our first blog post back after a well deserved Summer break however, we keep it real here at Our Muchness Guide and it was a break that was needed to find our self confidence again. The yearly round up will list the lessons learned that affect us so badly to build ourselves back up again but, for now just like the F1 Season we are back with a bang and looking forward to fully sending it for the remainder of the year! 

Book of the Month

E: Honestly, the only thing I’ve read lately are work memos and they aren’t very interesting. Trust me.

N: ‘Anything But Fine’ Tobias Madden

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: ONE PIECE – The live action series has managed to draw me in and it’s really well done.

N: The Mandalorian – finally got to catch up on the latest series and it is amazing as usual.

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Barbie

N:  Agreeing with Emma on this one, we finally got to see Barbie together and it was good! 

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: He’s All That – it is that cheesy and predictable but still watchable.

N:  Choose Love. Netflix latest trial of a new age idea, the viewer chooses what happens and who Camo ends up with! 

Gaming Picks 

E: Gran Turismo 7

N: Hogwarts Legacy 


Single of the Month

E: ‘bad idea right?’ – Olivia Rodrigo. F*ck it, it’s fine.

N: ‘Oh My Johnny” Chasing Abbey. Even though it came out in July it’s been the song of the summer! 

Album/EP of the Month 

E: All of Taylor Swift’s albums while I’m making unhinged friendship bracelets.

N:  I’ve been listening to ‘Highways and Hurricanes’ Moncrieff a lot this month. 

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About August? 

E: My time off is my favourite thing because I’ve been beyond busy working overtime and all so much that I’m grateful for two days off in a row.

N: That it’s over, it is always the busiest month of the Summer in work. Throw in Covid and a lot of overtime and I’m looking forward to focusing on 

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My F1 notebook – it kept me sane and never takes too long to keep up to date.

N: My new friendship bracelet beads. 

Event of the Month

E: Calling out somebody for a change and not letting people get away with things. For me, that’s an event.

N: Leading Water Scientists for a general public group. My favourite education programme we have in work in my opinion and I got to nerd out! 

Moment of the Month

E: Drinks in the local to enjoy some time off after a long ass month of work.

N: Table service when no one else was getting it. 

Your Quote of the Month

E: “This too shall pass”

N:  “Just keep swimming!”

Three things you are most excited about for September

E: A return to usual working hours so I’m not going to be crazy busy anymore or, at least, I hope so. It’s also my favourite time of the year and time to enjoy the coziest season.

N: Happy Eurovision New Year to all who celebrate! To those that don’t from September 1st any song released can be put forward for Eurovision. School trips back in full force and cozy Autumn time! 

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