Single Spotlight: Break Down Every Door – Gavin Murphy

Well hello there! We felt it was time to get back to talking about music and what a better way to celebrate March than to celebrate Irish Music so, for the month of March, I (Emma) am going to dive into the depths of the Irish music scene and share some new releases with you all. I promise I won’t keep you here long, just long enough to explain why you need to listen to this song. Our first artist, Gavin Murphy’s, new single ‘Break Down Every Door’, which was released on the 2nd of March, escaped my notice until today. And, honestly, I don’t know how that happened because the track really gets stuck in your brain once you listen to it. ‘Break Down Every Door’ follows on from Gavin’s debut album, ‘45RPM’, that garnered him attention from the likes of Hotpress, Radio 1 and RTE Entertainment. The Dubliner has found a unique niche for his music inspired by some of pop and indie’s greatest artists like Fleet Foxes, Depeche Mode and The Smiths.

The track tackles the frustration caused by those who gatekeep the industry and who decide who can and cannot ‘make it’. However, just because the song relates to Gavin’s experiences doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible to his audience. Frustration is a universal experience and Gavin’s track captures that perfectly. The track embodies the frustration of being confined by others who are adamantly trying to keep others ‘in their place’. Gavin has no shortage of talent and his lyrics are very much rooted in personal experience which makes the track more relatable. The lyrics can also be seen as a plea for more individuality in the creative process rather than the copy and pasted formulas that music can sometimes fall into. We can all relate to the negative impact that elitist behaviour can have, whether it’s in the world of corporate work or music, when you’ve given your everything only to be shunned for not following typical trends. ‘Break Down Every Door’ is a track to inspire individuality and a more unique approach to things that have been done a particular way for a very long time.

The opening of the track itself reminds me of Franz Ferdinand’s ‘Take Me Out’ as it focuses on the almost funk inspired drum and bass guitar rhythm and really makes the track an anthem for perseverance. The rhythm really becomes a focal point of the song as the track bounces from chorus to verse with a mix of electric guitar inclusions and a driving beat that conveys that Gavin doesn’t intend on quitting anytime soon. Break Down Every Door’ has a refreshing, upbeat indie pop sound that you can’t help but get caught up in. Working with Ger McDonnell, who has previously worked with the likes of U2, The Cure and Sinead O’Connor, has given the track a really polished and crisp sound that I love when it comes to music. Gavin’s new release is well worth the listen and maybe even one for your motivational or workout playlists.

You can find ‘Break Down Every Door’ on all good streaming services and you can keep up with Gavin’s releases and news on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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