February 2023 Monthly Round Up

Another month ends and I speak for both of us at Our Muchness Guide when I say we won’t miss February 2023! Between work being insane, one of us being ill for twenty days of the month with two different illnesses while the other made sure the both of us stayed productive! February saw a lot of new music keeping us entertained and gaming became a staple for us when Hogwarts Legacy dropped (just don’t ask us about the new Hogwarts Houses we should be in). So without further ado, let’s get down to business!

Book of the Month

E: Honestly, I didn’t have 5 minutes to pick up a book this month.

N: Spent month of the month asleep and resting so not much reading was done.

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Oddly enough I’ve been rewatching Shadowhunters on Netflix. I forgot how well done it was and I still adore Malec and I just realized I never got to finish watching it the first time around because the final season landed at a very rough point in my life: the end of my last rel’ship!

N: The Last Of Us. We’ve all been obsessed with the video game for so long and waiting on the TV show to finally drop! Watching this one with my brother has be a fun experience as, an open conversation about how it fairs against the video game happens with each episode.

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Monte Carlo – because we stan Selena Gomez on this blog. She is a queen.

N: Wakanda Forever.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Leap Year – made me want to leap off something very tall. I tell you that much.

N: Can You Keep A Secret, even with it’s typical ending

Gaming Picks

E: Pokemon Violet – I keep going back to it and it’s still good.

N: Hogwarts Legacy – the little I have been able to play has been amazing.


Single of the Month

E: Because, without looking, I know what Niamh picked. I’m going to pick one of Niamh’s other options, ‘Heaven’ by Niall Horan.

N: ‘Lie’ Chasing Abbey (our review is here btw)

Album/EP of the Month

E: ‘Don’t Get Too Close’ Skrillex. I definitely prefer this album over ‘Quest for Fire’.

N: FantasyXLove Snaggletooth. The girls are back and slaying. Adore this EP.

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About February?

E: Being told the truth. Saves so much time wasting.

N: The weather being so mild and seeing Spring flowers pop up earlier than usual.

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My new F1 data collection notebook. It looks so good so far!!! I’m so excited.

N: Grateful for medication this month

Event of the Month

E: Chasing Abbey’s home gig. It was crazy and so much fun, I loved every minute of it except for the guy who put his hands on my waist without permission. No thanks!

N: The only event I got to this month with being so ill was Chasing Abbey’s Home gig. So, it’s the event of the month and was a lot of fun!

Moment of the Month

N: Waking up the morning after the Chasing Abbey home gig and wondering if our new bestie from Geashill got home in time to feed the cattle! We miss you bro!

E: Honestly, same as Niamh. Hit us up, bestie! We need to know if the cattle got fed! XD

Your Quote of the Month

E: It’s okay to choose peace over company.

N: And the touch of a hand lit the fuse Of a chain reaction of countermoves

Three things you are most excited about for March

E: Well so far for March, I’ve got work, work, work, maybe missing a few interview bits, F1 is back, did I mention work? Are we surprised I’m single when I have no social life thanks to my job and the sport I love? Love that for me.

N: I’m finally attending my very first RTE Music Choice Awards, I’m rather excited to see who wins Song of the Year. Leading an Irish Culture Day and fingers crossed a few interview bits.

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