5 Ways to Reset & Plan For 2023

Happy New Year dear readers! Although many people reflect on the year that was and plan for the New Year in December, I’m starting 2023 off with a reset and planning as illness got in the way! It is never too late to sit down and do your own version of setting yourself up for the New Year so, without further ado, here are five things I am doing to make sure I get the most out of 2023! I hope it helps you to start your year off right!

Digital Detox

I always start the year with a clean slate email wise. It may take some time but sit down and unsubscribe from those emails that are cluttering your inbox! You have no idea how less annoyed you are when you aren’t seeing the same promo emails pop up in your email notifications that you don’t need. You can do this task over a number of days so the task doesn’t seem as draining. It is worth also taking the time to clear out your inbox of any emails you don’t need anymore.

For 2023, I have also decided to set out a weekly screen time goal. As I work in a job that is 50/50 of outside and inside work for ten months of the year with the remaining two months being in front of a screen five days a week. I am beginning to realise I need to spend more time away from my computer screen, my phone screen and my TV Screen in my down time.

Taking Time to Reflect on the Year That Was

This is my favourite thing to do before truly beginning a new year! Thinking back on the memories of 2022, we truly pushed a lot of once in a lifetime memories into one year! However, it is important to reflect on the not so good memories along with the good memories too. This helps us to grow and set ourselves new challenges for the new year! This reflection always kicks off with Spotify Wrapped in my opinion as I link songs with memories so seeing a lot of my Spotify Wrapped this year made me think of unforgettable moments in 2022.

After reflecting on 2022, I have decided in 2023 that I will be printing photos every two months and not waiting until the end of the year to print over 300 photos, allowing myself to be selfish with my down time, taking my days off as days off and not pushing myself to stay going at full speed towards the next event or meet up and, lastly, to take a moment during my favourite events to appreciate the moment.

Create a Vision Board via Pinterest

You can use a number of apps to create a Vision Board but I find Pinterest to be the first step to have all of your ideas for your vision board in one place. Also the Pinterest gods and goddesses are extremely aesthetically pleasing so a lot of inspiration can be found quite easily.

Identifying how Vision Boards work is important, you will rarely achieve everything on your vision board in a year as it is long term goals you are working towards. One European trip will hopefully be on the cards, probably before the end of 2023; hoping for either Budapest or Prague. More reading needs to be done, aiming for forest school success from March onwards, getting back to blogging and creating memories in the little things throughout the year. Seeping into 2024, we are aiming to go to our next Grand Prix with Paddock Passes and an Interrailing trip across Europe to mark the end of my sister’s college days and a belated 30th birthday present to myself. Better health is always a top goal on my vision board too which has been improving since 2021.

Set up my Girls Gotta Change Planner and Notion Planner

Shout out to the amazing Girls Gotta Change business. It’s my third year using their products! I upgraded to their Design Your Best Life Binder planner last year and got gifted a different colour Binder planner for 2023. My life would be so much more chaotic without it. If you’d like to check out their products please click here.

I’m still a newbie to Notion but started using it in 2022. I’m aiming to dedicate my Notion Planner to the blog and my social events in 2023. For anyone who doesn’t know what Notion are, please check it out here.

Checking What’s in the Stars

As a budding emotional Cancer sign, apparently I should be one in tune with my star sign and horoscopes. I’m not going to lie, I do keep an eye on them every now and again. I also keep an eye on the New Moons of the year as the Moon is important to my star sign. But it’s important to take it with a pinch of salt.

So, here’s to reading about what’s to come in 2023 for me in accordance with the stars but, we make our own destiny happen! So,I’ll continue to dance like no one is watching, make important life changing decisions, make some bad choices and learn from them; all the while being surrounded by the best people I know!

All the best for 2023 everyone and happy planning!

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