April 2022 Monthly Round Up

So, this April we lived our best tourist lives on what one can only describe as a holiday for Niamh (and those are rare) who got a name change while we were there too XD You have to admire the British attempt at anglicizing the name Niamh to Neave. A bit off but they’ve got the spirit….kind of. We celebrated a plethora of new music being released and accidentally came across the Downton Abbey World Premiere while looking for the M&M store as one does on a Monday. But, now that April is over (and we’re a bit late with our round up), it’s time for us to take stock and celebrate all the things we loved this month before we go back to reality and our daily routines once more. Let’s go!

Book of the Month

E: Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett. Pratchett’s work is always funny and so unique. Any of the Discworld novels are worth reading but this one is hilarious.

N: The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives. To mark our trip to London, I had to spend some time with my favourite queen.

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Moon Knight but also an honourable mention to Teen Wolf again which I’ve been binge watching a lot on Netflix.

N: Moon Knight. Even though I’m not fully up to date I’m enjoying it. Special mention goes out to Derry Girls. 

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Because the new TV series is coming out and I keep hearing tons of exciting news I’m psyching myself up for it by watching the original movies. 

N: St Trinians, could be determined as a cheesy movie but it’s so good it has its own category. If you haven’t seen it, make sure you take the time to watch it! 

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: The Longest Ride. It’s based on a Nicholas Sparks novel and, you know, it’s going to be spectacularly cheesy and it was! No doubt about it.

N: To mark the holiday to London, this months cheesy movie has to go to Notting Hill

Gaming Picks 

E: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag because I have an Assassins problem and I’m okay with that.

N: No gaming done this month. Here’s hoping the new ps5 game drops this coming month feature next time. 


Single of the Month

E: ‘When You’re Gone’ Shawn Mendes

N: ‘Every Song I Ever Wrote’ Only The Poets. 

Album/EP of the Month 

E: ‘Sentio’ Martin Garrix. Do I like Martin Garrix? Yes. Does that surprise most people? If you don’t read this blog, probably.

N:  ‘Courageous’ Roisin O. Have I been waiting ages for this album to drop? Yes, yes I am but, it was so much worth the wait. I adore it. 

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About April? 

E: The unbelievable weather we got on our break.

N: Holiday time was pretty fantastic! 

Favourite Item of the Month

E: Google Maps is your friend when you’re being a tourist. Without it, we would never have seen the Alpha Tauri shop coming soon to Knightsbridge in London. I will be back when it’s open.

N: London Underground Maps. We’d be lost without them. 

Event of the Month

E: Seeing Wicked live in London was an event and an experience I won’t forget.

N: Roisin O in Limerick. The gig that marked the album being out in the world, it was pretty special. 

Moment of the Month

E: There were a lot of moments for me this month but at the top of my list was seeing the whale skeleton as you walk into the Natural History Museum for the first time in person.

N: Seeing Emma’s reactions to Wicked. 

Your Quote of the Month

E: “I’d really like a loop the loop” – child on plane to Gatwick. Same my little friend, same XD

N: “How old is he?” “He’s an Aquarius, that’s all that matters!…” 

Gosh I adore these legends! 

Three things you are most excited about for May

E: Resting because I’m sick (not covid related) for the early part of the month anyway. I’m also really looking forward to taking it easy for May. Everything has been pretty hectic lately so a change of pace would be lovely. There is a third thing I’m looking forward to but that’s a secret we’ll share with you later.

N: School Tour Season, My Chemical Romance and the next round of days for my course. 

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