January 2022 Monthly Round Up

Does January feel really long to anyone else or is it just me? I think everyone made it through without too much hassle which is always a positive but we’ll move swiftly on for fear of jinxing anything. January saw Ireland removing a lot of restrictions meaning that gigs and events have returned again and we’re waiting to get back to enjoying live music again. Did we try dry January? No? Did we fail anyway because of celebrating our new found freedom with friends? Yes. And, to top it all off, our very own vegan ended up in the newspaper, talking about Veganuary. Niamh’s a #influencer now and I don’t think I’ll let her live it down for a long time.

And, lastly, a little lesson courtesy of our recently departed Golden Girl for everyone as we go back into the world of socializing: “Keep the other person’s well being in mind when you feel an attack of soul-purging truth coming on.” RIP Betty White. Thank you for being a friend.

Well, with that, I think it’s time to get to all of our favourites from January.

Book of the Month

E: ‘Circe’ by Madeline Miller. It only makes sense that I read novels based on Greek mythology. Got to stay on brand here but, as a novel and retelling of Circe’s story, it’s marvellous

N: ‘Her Hidden Genius’ by Marie Benedict. I always enjoy a good historic based book, especially if it revolves around key female characters throughout history. ‘Her Hidden Genius’ follows the story of scientist Rosalind Franklin.

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: ‘Charmed’ I began a rewatch of the show and actually paid attention to the plot this time and I’ll admit it’s still good.

N: ‘Tribes of Europa’ I’ve been going down the Netflix rabbit hole of TV Shows from around Europe. This month I have been binge watching Tribes of Europa, a German Sci-fi show.

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Spider-Man: No Way Home. So, I know I’m late to the party but, who’s Peter Parker?

N: For a second month in a row it has to go to Spider-Man: No Way Home. Still waiting on Marvel to pay for my therapy but, it’s worth it!

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Michael Bay’s Transformers, not just the first one but all of them. How many explosions and indistinguishable robots can you fit in one scene?

N: My cheesy movie pick this month goes to the Norwegian Netflix original movie Dancing Queen. I enjoyed it a lot.

Gaming Picks

E: Pokémon Legends Arceus – Nintendo Switch & Spider-Man: Miles Morales – PS5 I couldn’t pick between the two so I picked both.

N: Ruined King: A League of Legends story.


Single of the Month

E: Head On Fire – Griff & Sigrid. The collaboration I didn’t know I wanted to get the song I didn’t know I needed.

N: ‘Warm’ Moncrieff. Incredibly happy this amazing song is out in the world. It’s stunning and one of a kind.

Album/EP of the Month

E: Sing 2 Soundtrack – there are some amazing covers on this album and some questionable ones but overall it’s a great soundtrack as a whole.

N: ‘Night Call’ (New Year’s Edition) Years & Years. It’s been the soundtrack of the house since it came out.

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About January?

E: I finally got to see No Way Home with Niamh!!! I am so happy with how it turned out and I managed to do it without having the movie spoiled on me. So that’s a win.

N: Catching up with friends in person. With the removal of restrictions it was great to not be constricted by a timeframe or watching over your shoulder to make sure others weren’t getting too close. We had such an amazing catching up with friends, it honestly felt like a celebration.

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My new Black Widow jumper. It’s warm and I love everything about it, especially that I got it on sale at the Disney Store in Dublin.

N: My Musicozy headband. With the insomnia that hit after Covid, this became my favourite item.

Event of the Month

E: Not really an event but getting to see some friends now that restrictions have eased in Ireland feels like a proper occasion now.

N: Event of the month has to go to Tradfest. It was fantastic to be able to attend in person again.

Moment of the Month

E: When a lovely member of staff in Smyth toys in Galway asked if I was over 16 when I was buying a video game. I am over sixteen. Well over it.

N: Receiving an email while on the Luas about something exciting. I apologize to anyone who had to witness my excitement.

Your Quote of the Month

E: If You Expect Disappointment, Then You Can Never Really Get Disappointed – this is me… in a nutshell. You couldn’t possibly get more me.

N: “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Alice in Wonderland.

Three things you are most excited about for February

E: I’m excited to do more interviews for the blog not just in February but from now on. I’m also looking forward to seeing Uncharted in the cinema this month; I’ve been waiting for this movie for a while but mostly I’m looking forward to less rain and the weather getting a bit warmer. I don’t like the cold.

N: Spending time with family, working on a few exciting projects and working on a few exciting things at work too.

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