November 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hope everyone enjoyed a rather mild November, we’re just as surprised as everyone else to be honest! This month seemed to pass in a blink of an eye! We finally got to hop on a plane and leave Ireland behind for a few days! We ended up in London darling! Firstly, to attend a gig, Only The Poets, however, we also took in two West End Shows and three museums! Back in the reality of Ireland, Niamh’s been busy getting the last of her procedures of 2021 done, all the while turning a section of her work into an Elf on the Shelf paradise. While Emma has been busy catching up on reading and checking out new tv shows (Arcane) in her spare time!

We are looking forward to the hot chocolate and seasonal coffee season taking over our lives and hopefully a little bit of snow will be on the cards. Also, if anyone has any epic Vegan and Gluten Free Christmas inspired recipes send them Niamh’s way. But, until December hits, let’s look back at the month that was!

Book of the Month

E: Kingdom of the Wicked and Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco. When a woman knows how to write men and makes the Prince of Wrath appealing she is doing something right!

N: I decided to reread a book from my childhood towards the end of this month, ‘All American Girl’ by Meg Cabot. It is still a fun escape from the real world!

Movie & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Arcane – a League of Legends based series with an amazing art style and one of the champions that is essentially me in a nutshell? Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Nice shooting, cupcake.

N: Olaf Presents. I adored each and every one of the episodes in this series. Inspired by my favourite scene in Frozen 2, Olaf tells the stories of other Disney films by acting it out with the help of a few of his friends!

Good Movie Recommendation

E: The Three Musketeers – the 2011 one with all the ridiculously good looking men in it. Logan Lerman, Orlando Bloom and Luke Evans all in one movie? *chef’s kiss* a masterpiece.

N: Red Notice – now streaming on Netflix and one of my favourite films of 2021 by far. It was funny, action packed and had a few nice twists.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Love in the Forecast – yes, it is as cheesy as it sounds. Yes, it’s as predictable as watching paint dry. Why did I watch it? Background noise, to be honest, and it was still cheesy.

N: A Castle For Christmas – yes, I have been binge watching new Christmas movies in my spare time to find out which is the cheesiest and which are god awful! A blog post will be coming soon on all my top picks but, for now, make sure you check out A Castle For Christmas on Netflix. It is my favourite cheesy Christmas movie of 2021 so far!

Gaming Picks

E: Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – this is probably the cutest game I’ve ever seen and I love the art style. It’s just adorable really.

N: Got to have a go of Call of Duty: Vanguard this month. Do I still suck at COD? Yes! Did I enjoy playing it? Also yes! I’m more an Assassins Creed kinda girl.


Single of the Month

E: ABCDEFU by GAYLE. Now this is a power anthem. Who ever said you have to play nice all the time?

N: ‘Close To You’ Chasing Abbey. Was it ever going to be anything else? My guys are back and even though it hasn’t snatched the top spot as my favourite Chasing Abbey song, it is pretty spectacular! Make sure you give it a listen if you haven’t already, it’s a bop!

Album/EP of the Month

E: ’30’ – Adele. It was one queen of pop or the other and Niamh chose Taylor so let us be upstanding and recognize the power of Adele.

N: ‘Red (Taylor’s Version) – Taylor Swift. Queen Tay Tay is back and my second favourite Taylor Swift album of all time is sounding spectualar. I am loving each and every release of (Taylor’s Version), reliving every emotion younger Niamh went through when the songs first came out to being in complete awe of Taylor’s voice sounding stronger and more mature! Also, that ten minute version of ‘All Too Well’, can we just take a moment to bow down to a song? It broke me.

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About November?

E: Definitely London. I’ve never really been a proper tourist in London and this time around Niamh and I actually got to do some touristy things. It was a lot of fun and I’ve a lot more of London to explore in the future so I can’t wait to go back.

N: We finally got to go on a holiday and by gosh was it amazing to be surrounded by museums, architecture, musical theatre and music again!

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My new Max Verstappen Interlagos hoodie. #UnleashTheLion I really like Max Verstappen, did you know that?

N: Peppermint Toads! (If you know you know).

Event of the Month

E: Hightailing it across London to see Frozen in the Drury Lane Theatre. The best plans are never made, they just happen. We had our own box!

N: Can the entire West End and Only The Poets be considered as one giant London Event? I loved every minute of the mayhem.

Moment of the Month

N:“Samantha?” closely followed by food recommendations from Jon actually being AMAZING! I also have to mention my last procedure of 2021 was this month, onwards and upwards from here!

E: I’m agreeing with Niamh on the food. I love my food and we got a stellar recommendation that I doubt we would have thought of trying on our own in London so thanks Jon!

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Where’s MY (insert random object I don’t have here) Charlotte?” – my personal favourite addition was “where’s my third birthday cake of the week Charlotte?” XD things to note: I don’t know anyone named Charlotte and also it must be said in Lando Norris’ very British accent.

N: “No regrets, only memories” – Daniel Ricciardo.

Three things you are most excited about for December

E: I have my fingers crossed for snow. Manifest it with me now. December means Christmas Dinner!!! I love Christmas dinner and I live for turkey and stuffing sandwiches and food comas. And, of course, it’s cuddle weather! Even if I’m just cuddling my blanket and pillows and, to top December off, the F1 season ends in December and it’s going to be an immense finale.

N: It’s my favourite time of the year so, everything to do with December makes the list of what I am most excited for in December. But, if I had to list 3: Spending time with family, Christmas Movies and giving gifts to my friends!

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