October 2021 Monthly Round Up

Well hello there, I hope you all had a very happy Halloween and a very blessed Samhain. So the craziest thing happened this month; I’m pretty sure I hallucinated and we were at an actual gig with very little in the way of restrictions…in my hometown… and it wasn’t Chasing Abbey which, let’s be honest, is the real surprise here. Events are back in Ireland and you can bet that Ireland is making the most of it. This month, we have been crazy busy keeping up with life and, unfortunately, that meant fewer posts this month than we usually would have. To be honest though, October is always a little bit hectic but we’re getting closer and closer to the most wonderful time of the year (which I will not be naming at this time!) and, hopefully, a bit more free time for us here at OMG.

So let’s defrost Mariah and Michael because there’s a lot to do and not much time to do it so, without further ado, let’s jump right in and have a look at all our favourite bits from the last month.

Book of the Month

E: Go the Distance by Jen Calonita. I really enjoyed it and you can read the full review of the book here!

N: Straight on Till Morning by Liz Braswell. A twisted Disney tale all about Neverland? Yes please. It was fantastic!

Movies & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Titans – This month alone, I watched the whole first and second season of Titans and I loved it. If there’s one thing DC can do well, it’s TV series but they still haven’t figured out how lights and set lighting work though. Baby steps. They’ll get there.

N: Only Murders In The Building. A new Starz original on Disney Plus that I finally got to finish. I really enjoyed all the twists and turns. That ending though? Can we get season 2 soon please!

Good Movie Recommendations

E: Dune. It may be a bit long and you can tell it is very much just the start of a larger story but it is very well shot and acted and I’m looking forward to the next installment of the story.

N: Have to agree with Emma on this one, Dune. It was an interesting movie and with the second installment not coming out until 2023, I may just get to read the book before it comes out.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Pokemon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle – Honestly, I always watch the new Pokemon movies just to see how they look and even though they’re cheesy sometimes they can surprise you. Like this one for example, it’s actually really dark when you think about it. This movie does realise it’s a Pokemon movie, right?

N: Halloween season means Disney Channel original movie month! It always has to be Halloweentown.

Gaming Picks

E: Tomb Raider. Not one of them. All of them. I’ve loved this franchise for years and this month was the 25th anniversary of the franchise so I’m going to celebrate it here too. Happy birthday Tomb Raider!

N: Apart from a few rounds of F1 2021 and finishing my expansion of Immortals: Fenyx Rising; I didn’t get to game much this month. So, I will have to say Immortals Rising the Asian expansion.


Single of the Month

E: ‘Tell It To My Heart’ by Hozier and Meduza which is a pairing I could never have imagined but it just works. We always welcome new music from the king of the Fair Folk around here and this one is a banger.

N: ‘Beautiful Nightmare’s Robert Grace. Is there anything this man can’t do? This one is stunning and completely different to his other songs. It has taken the top spot as my favourite song by him.

Album/EP of the Month

E: ‘The Last Goodbye’ EP by Wild Youth was my go to this month. It got played quite a few times in preparation for the gigs I was going to.

N: Seven Shades of Heartbreak’ EP by Mimi Webb. It was worth the wait and so amazing to hear it all live last week!

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About October

E: We’re in my favourite time of the year and, yeah, sometimes the weather isn’t great but it’s spooky season!

N: Gigs were back with a bang. Five gigs in the space of seven days and I loved every minute of it!

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My new jumpers and hoodies because it may look lovely and autumnal outside but it’s freaking cold!

N: Clothing choice here too. My Mick Schumacher hoodie, it’s so soft and amazing!

Event of the Month (It’s Back!! Because there’s these things called Events on now)

E: Wild Youth in Hugh Lynch’s. When one of my bands comes to Tullamore for the first time you know it’s special to me because I travel so much for gigs and this time I didn’t need planes or trains to get to the gig because it might as well have been in my backyard. So big thanks to Wild Youth for coming closer to my home!

N: Top spot goes to Hudson Taylor in the Spiegeltent in Wexford. I was so happy to be back at one of their gigs. I cried with a big smile on my face for five songs… no exaggeration, I didn’t even know I was crying for most of it! Also seeing Wild Youth in Tullamore has to be a close second this month. Just seeing Emma happy was amazing. Also let’s take a moment to appreciate three of my top five favourite Wild Youth songs are back on the set list!

Moment of the Month

E: Hearing about 5 new Chasing Abbey tracks which all sound great (but I already have my favourites). #GigLife perks are back!

N: ‘Anywhere With You’ making a comeback on a Wild Youth set list and being played at Hugh Lynch’s for the first time in forever. I was a bit emotional. As it states, I would go ‘any, any, anywhere with you!’

Quote of the Month

E: “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”

N: “I understood the assignment”

Three things you are most excited about for November

E: More gigs, more adventures and more fun. That’s what I want from November and here’s hoping it works out that way. It’s been too quiet for too long.

N: London darling! Making a trip back to the West End and many gigs to attend along the way!

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