July 2021 Monthly Round Up

Between heatwaves and birthdays, July has been fun. There have been reunions, parties, a lot of work and, strangely enough, a lot of chicken dinners babyyy. Also we have an actual gig to go to soon as well which is insane. This month we even had to take a break because work and being responsible young adults overtook everything but, have no fear, we’re back and we already have some posts planned for the next few days so keep your eyes peeled for those. Now, I know we said that My Year In Music was coming first but the Monthly Round Up always comes before MYIM so let’s not break tradition.

So now we can jump right into the fun part and share all our favourite parts of July.

Book of the Month

E: I re-read the A Discovery of Witches series and it really drags you into the story and you get addicted. I was even contemplating watching the TV series again (and I will when work releases me and I have freedom once more.)

N: This month was dedicated to rereading the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. When everything else goes to shizz, I always pull out the Fallen series to escape the world.

Movie & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Have to admit, I loved the ending of Loki and Ms. Minutes will haunt my nightmares for many years to come.

N: Monsters At Work. Not gonna lie, I adore Monster Inc so, when Disney announced this spin off TV Series I was excited to see what they did with it. Am I blown away with it? No. Am I still enjoying it? Very much so. Would recommend it but don’t try to compare it to the original movie.

Good Movie Recommendation:

E: Black Widow – I wasn’t expecting much but to get well developed characters (the majority of whom were female) and a film I only had with minor issues with was a pleasant surprise.

N: Black Widow – I had low expectations going into this one but I was blown away with how good it was. *Spoiler alert* I didn’t like how it ended in the after scene!

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: Radio Rebel just for that meme moment in the middle of it XD

N: For my sins I’ve been on a Disney Channel Original Movie binge so, Geek Charming is my Cheesy movie pick of July!

Gaming Picks

E: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart – it’s colourful and fun and the whole concept of the game is very clever. Have to admit I love Kit. She reminds me of Niamh XD (she’ll kill me when she realises who and what Kit is.)

N: F1 2021, It’s amazing! I am enjoying the changes to the My Career section of the game.


Single of the Month

E: Remember This – Jonas Brothers. Anthem!!!!

N: EVOKE – ‘Sorry Than Safe’. The lads are back and with a new single that sounds different to anything they have released! Adoring the overall sound and, of course, the lyrics.

Album/EP of the Month

E: As a Billie Eilish stan, are you really surprised that I’m going to say ‘Happier Than Ever’.

N: Billie Eillish ‘Happier Than Ever’. As Em has already said, are you really surprised? Billie knocked it out of the park with this album!

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About July

E: The heatwave and the birthday party I actually got to go to. Miracles will never cease.

N: A lot of Birthdays in my family, so there were many celebrations!

Favourite Item of the Month

E: The calculator on my phone. Without that I would die. I cannot do maths and it makes me feel smrt.

N: Nothing really stands out this month unfortunately!

Moment of the Month

E: Someone stealing my idea for Niamh’s birthday present but, as soon as I manage to get my hands on what I want to get her now, it’s over for you. You know who you are!

N: “Hey Nia-mh… ” Despite the mispronouncation it made my month!

Your Quote of the Month

E: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

N: “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light” Aristotle

Three things you are most excited about for August?

E: My work contract ends at the end of this month and if you think I won’t be running out the door of the office, you’re very wrong. We have gigs coming up, like actual gigs with music and stuff.

N: Gigs are back! Both Live Streamed gigs and in person gigs… Can you hear me happy dancing? The hurling is heating up and just chill time in between all the mayhem of the busy season at work!

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