June 2021 Monthly Round Up

Happy end of June everyone! We all survived a month with amazing weather that resulted in very high levels of pollen for the majority of June here in Ireland and we (Niamh mainly) are proud we survived! June has kicked up our work schedules into overdrive but, fear not dear readers, we are here with our Monthly Round Up to list the very best of everything we got to enjoy this month! Everything except books it seems as it may have taken a back seat this month as we try to get into a rhythm again of being back in full time employment. June also saw us here at Our Muchness Guide reunite for more than twenty-four hours for Emma’s birthday, somehow keep on top of Loki’s new episode every week and Em has been a happy bunny as the last three weeks have been jampacked with Formula 1 while I’m slightly behind on it but we got this!

So, without further ado, here are our favourite things from June!

Book of the Month

E: I have read video game instructions. Do they count?

N: Unless it was written material on legislation or health and safety, I didn’t get any free time to enjoy reading for fun this month unfortunately.

Movie & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Loki. It’s been getting better and better as the episodes progress. And it’s getting to the point where it’s hard to know where Tom Hiddleston ends and Loki begins.

N: Say it with me people: Loki! Even if they are all over the place with character representation according to some fans, I am truly enjoying Loki for what it is. A massive shout out goes to Ragnarok, it is a Norwegin TV fantasy series and I am enjoying it alot!

Good Movie Recommendation:

E: It has to be Cruella. I can’t recommend it enough. So many references that were nicely and subtly done.

N: I have to agree with Emma on this one. It is AMAZING! I may have watched it three times since it came out! Phenomenal soundtrack, fun references and unforgettable quotes!

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

E: Read It and Weep. You want DCOM cheese? This is the movie to watch. You could see every plot point coming from miles away but sometimes you just need a healthy dose of cheese in your life.

N: We finally got around to sitting down and watching The Dead Don’t Die as a family. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it funny? Yes. Most importantly, was it Cheesy? Heck yes! Satire of a Zombie movie and we laughed our way through it!

Gaming Picks

E: Oh it has to be F1 2020. Watching Niamh being bullied by Giovannazi was hilarious! I will admit it was a lot more entertaining to play against a fellow human being though. ‘Shadow of the Tomb Raider’ and ‘Uncharted 4’ come a close second though.

N: I have to give it to F1 2020 again this month because I finally got to play it with Emma. She had a lot of an easier time and even with being bullied by the other drivers it was a lot of fun! #TeamOrders for the win!


Single of the Month

E: Tunnels by SAIV’N. Honestly this song went straight onto my gaming playlist. It’s a fantastic blend of folk and electronic music styles but still mellow and motivating. A great track and well worth a listen.

N: Ryan Mack ‘Guess That’s Love’. Ryan has never brought out a song that is anything less than a banger! ‘Guess That’s Love’ totally calls me out personally so I click with it on a personal level! If you haven’t listened to it yet, make sure you check it out!

Album/EP of the Month

E: It has been 10 years since the original release of ‘Born This Way’ and Mother Monster has gifted us with a re-release of the album including 6 covers of some of the best songs on the album by artists like Years and Years and Kylie Minogue.

N: Modernlove. ‘Imk (if you wanna see me) EP. The Irish Indie-Pop band dropped this four track EP at the beginning of June and I’ve been obsessed since! Every single song is such a bop!

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About June

E: Just such long days with some amazing weather. It’s been amazing even if the heat has been killing me slowly.

N: Honestly, the weather. It’s been nice to finish up work and for it to be still sunny for more than just a handful of days. Also to have stunning weather on my days off… What is this madness?

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My PlayStation 5. I’ve bought and played so many games in the last month and it’s been so much fun for me.

N: Excel sheets! We won’t dive into the long list of why but all anyone needs to know is excel sheets for timetabling and lists in work have been a life saver for me!

Moment of the Month

E: Having chill time with Niamh that lasted more than a few hours. It was a bit more than 24 hours together but we watched our first Grand Prix together and celebrated my birthday.

N: Watching Emma trying to contain her reactions to the French GP was pretty spectacular! Throw in the fact Max won and it was adorable! Turns out we’re going to be able to spend a lot more of the GP Race Days together and you better believe I am looking forward to her not trying to guard her reactions and hold them in!

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions.” – Dallin H. Oaks

N: “Remember then: there is only one time that is important – Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.” – Leo Tolstoy

Three things you are most excited about for July?

E: Niamh’s birthday, The Black Widow release date and watching Black Widow. I’m excited to see Black Widow, can you tell?

N: Heading to the Zoo with some of my younger family members for my birthday! The new Black Widow movie and having nice weather for a lot of days in a row.

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