February 2021 Monthly Round Up

Hello all! Welcome back to another Monthly Round Up! February just flew by for us here at Our Muchness Guide. It was jammed packed with homeschooling, gaming and lots of walks in our local areas! We celebrated the release of the first rerecording of a Taylor Swift song, Galentine’s Day, 25 years of Pokémon, did lots of baking and celebrated a few birthdays of friends and family thrown in for good measure, socially distanced of course! Lockdown Level 5 has been extended again here in Ireland but, even though we are beginning to get really fed up with all the restrictions, we found a few things to enjoy this month so let’s dive right into them! 

Book of the Month

E: Honestly I’ve been gaming so much that I haven’t had much time to read but I have made a start on The Fowl Twins: Deny All Charges by Eoin Colfer.

N: Carrying on from last month, I finished the Bridgerton books. I would urge everyone who enjoyed it and didn’t enjoy it to read them! People say ‘the books are always better’ and by gosh are these books so much better than the tv series!

Movie & TV

TV Show Picks

E: Wandavision! It has really been keeping me on my toes while I watch it. You can’t afford to switch off while watching or you’ll miss something.

N: I agree with Emma on this one… WandaVision! It’s amazing and just my nerdy comic self is glued to every minute of it!

Good Movie Recommendation

E: Good Will Hunting – I watched it for the first time just 2 weeks ago and it made me miss Robin Williams and reminded me what a wonderful person and actor he was

N: I know I’ve recommended it before but, A Cinderella’s Story. Watched it again with my cousin this month and I fell back in love with it! A reminder to always be yourself in a world where you might feel like everyone wants you to be someone else.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation

E: The cheesy movies (yes, there was more than one) I subjected myself to were a trilogy of skating movies called The Cutting Edge. The first being released in 1992(!) and trust me when I say the cheese is strong in these ones.

N: This month cheesy movie goes to This Means War. I forgot how much I loved having movie nights with my aunt. We got to swoon over Tom Hardy in this one. For everyone else’s viewing pleasure there is Chris Pine and Reece Witherspoon too. But there is action, comedy and romance in this one!

Gaming Picks 

E: Immortals Fenyx Rising on the Switch! Such a good combination of fighting and puzzle solving. I’m really enjoying it and highly considering getting the DLC.

N: The PS5 has finally graced us with its presence in our house but, as I dive further into the PS5 gaming options I have to pick Marvel Avengers which I treated myself to at the beginning of the month. 


Single of the Month

E: ‘Perfect On Me’ by Ryan Mack. When I say that song is just like how Ryan performs it live, I mean it. Ryan keeps knocking it out of the part with his singles lately.

N: ‘Love Story’ (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift. I am here for all the rerecordings that are coming but this one is incredibly special. If you haven’t heard it yet give it a listen, it is truly special! 

Album/EP of the Month 

E: Medicine at Midnight – Foo Fighters. If there is a choice between a new Foo Fighters album and nearly any other artists new album, Foo Fighters will win.

N:  Laoise ‘Healthy’ EP. I’m hella proud of everything Laoise achieved with this EP. It is raw, honest, fun and exactly what we all needed in our life! 

Favourite Things

Favourite Thing About February

E: There was so much to enjoy this month; Pokémon Day, Galentine’s Day and a ton of amazing new music. It was generally just a happy month.

N: How quick it passed! In one way, I was so happy it passed so fast in comparison to January. January just dragged on for ages! 

Favourite Item of the Month

E: Never thought I’d see the day I’d say this but my runners. Been walking 3 miles as often as possible and my runners are just so comfy!

N: With projects galore this month with the gang, the internet wins hands down this month. We’ve learned a lot about Nepal, Space and Irish Music Artists just to name a few topics. 

Moment of the Month

E: “Can I turn around now?” Didn’t think I’d get an answer for being a smartarse but I did. Genuinely made me laugh.

N: Getting the phone call to confirm I got the PS5, I have been waiting a long time to get one. Also Emma’s moment was a close second! 

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Make every person, place or condition better than you left it always.”

N: “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” – Jane Howard.

Three things you are most excited about for March? 

E: More exercise and finding fences (if you know you know), longer, brighter days which are making it a little bit easier to deal with this extended lockdown and watching more movies that I apparently should have watched ages ago but more on that another time.

N: Better weather, gaming more and all the new music that is coming especially from some of my favourites!  

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