September Monthly Round Up

Hey guys! It’s that time of the month again, Monthly Round Up! It has been an interesting one to say the least with Ireland not too sure what it’s doing with the weather, COVID-19 restrictions and work slowly going back to what I love best; it’s Niamh here if you hadn’t guessed already. September also saw a span of a few days where us here at Our Muchness Guide were actually in the same place for more than 48 hours! Shocker I know but, we did take it easy and caught up on some cheesy and rather shocking TV/Movies just for your entertainment! Hopefully everyone survived the mini heat wave and have been minding themselves during this rather taxing time. Without further ado let’s get right into it… 

Book of the Month

N:  I sat down and read Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer for nostalgic state. Honestly, I preferred it to Twilight but, mainly because I adore Emmet and Alice; Edward’s insight helps with seeing them more! You’ll get my full rundown in October as part of some of our special posts dedicated to Booktober until then… I would just like to say I went into it with an open mind and I ended up liking it more than I thought I would.

E: Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare was my book this month. A whole new group of Shadowhunters to enjoy and Clare is still as amazing a writer as ever! I would definitely recommend reading the Infernal Devices trilogy by Clare before going into this new series to refresh your memory because there are a few references to that series in this new addition to the Shadowhunter world.

TV Picks

N: Ratched, Ryan Murphy’s newest creation with the talented Sarah Paulson! It’s based on the book ‘One That Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ and I am obsessed with it! Anyone else a void due to American Horror Story, this will help fill it just a little. The play of the lightning in different scenes is an aspect of the series that is extremely well thought out and if you are like me make sure you don’t get distracted by this feature and focus on everything!

E: The Mandalorian – Just because everyone thinks that The Child is adorable, don’t lie you think he’s cute!

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendations: 

N: Enola Holmes. By gosh was this an amazing watch! I’m not going to lie, I had low expectations going into this movie and I was completely blown away. I adored the character, the acting, the set design and the storyline. Milly Bobby Brown stole the show. Round of applause all round for the cast and crew. Can we get confirmation of movie two now? There are six books after all!

E: 10 Things I Hate About You – an old but gold movie. I know it’s based on Shakespeare but I still love this movie. Heath Ledger was a fantastic actor and, in this case, he really put his all into singing. I loved that scene!

Cheesy Movie Recommendations: 

N: Ahead of a few Halloween bits, I rewatched Halloweentown and you need to watch it too! 1990’s Disney Channel Original Movies really were the next level of their time! Not everyone’s cup of tea but, I adore the series still 

E: With all the cheese that’s in it, it has to be Can You Keep a Secret. I mean it is by far the cheesiest movie I’ve seen in a while so it tops that list for this recommendation.

Gaming Picks

N: June’s Journey has held my attention again this month. On the plus side it is helping with my dyslexia to try to figure out some words and also to be aware that sometimes one word can be at least two different items! It’s been insightful and 1920’s eat your heart out! I was definitely born in the wrong era. 

E: “Kill La Kill The Game: IF” is my choice this month. An arena battle game based on the anime Kill La Kill and made by Trigger, the same company who made the anime, and voice by what sounds like the original cast. Yes please watch me button mashing my way to victory. It’s so much fun!



N: ‘Lately’ Chasing Abbey. My guys are back! The song is extremely catchy, it will get stuck in your head and it is blowing up! Am I proud? Yes. Am I even happier that the guys are back? You bet I am!

E: It’s going to be ‘Lately’ by Chasing Abbey for me as well. It’s a real earworm and while Niamh and I were waiting for it to be released I kept singing the chorus much to mine and Niamh’s amusement.


N: Pillow Queens debut Album ‘In Waiting’ adore it and my vinyl copy with all of the words. Massive congratulations to the gang, I really do love every aspect of it. 

E: I don’t have a new album for this month so I’m picking one of the albums I bought recently, Shawn Mendes’ self titled album. It has some of my favourites of his songs on it and I now own it on vinyl *insert heart eye emoji here*

Favourite thing about September:

N: Probably surprisingly to Emma, it was actually getting to spend time with her for more than two days. Anyone who knows us knows we have never gone longer than about 3 weeks without seeing each other since 2014. After seven years of friendship I think we must have a record at this point! So, 2020 has been a killer.

E: Our big reunion. Even if our plans didn’t go perfectly I’m still just grateful to have my best friend in my social bubble during the weirdest times I’ve ever lived through.

Favourite Item of the Month:

N: For another month which I have lost count of how many times it has featured… My Disney Animator Series Travel Mug Em got me! It’s a lifesaver especially on a Monday morning on route to work! 

E: My laptop which I’m working on getting it the way I like it. Is it missing a few key files and programs? Yes but it’ll get there.

Event of the Month:

N: Aoife Scott’s Live stream gig was pretty special again. It is becoming a tradition with Aoife, Andy and Cathal. Also with the way the world is looking for the rest of 2020, Aoife is going to top the list of how many times have I seen an Artist this year! 

Moment of the Month:

N: Still scarlet about it but the moment I found out Ed Smith had Chasing Abbey’s single ‘Lately’ first play. I screamed, I legit screamed. Poor Emma was beside me and I think her family now question my sanity! I was not ready for it, I was incredibly happy and I honestly don’t remember screaming until I was saying sorry for screaming.

E: The Releasemas Eve Live Stream. That was so much fun! Some really great unreleased track played and I’m looking forward to hearing them again.

Your Quote of the Month:

N: “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything!” 

E: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Three things you are most excited about for October:

N: Big plans for Blog posts in October, get ready for Niamh to totally be burning the candles at both ends but; inspiration has hit so we are going to run with it. Some TV Series I have been waiting to come back is back! Hopefully, Thanks Brother’s Gig will be going ahead. 

E: It’s spooky season! I love Halloween and I’m going to miss getting the chance to dress up this year but we can still enjoy all the junk food and lie saying that it’s for the trick or treaters that are never showing up. Along with that, we’ve entered my favourite season and I no longer need an excuse to drink hot chocolate all the time.

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