June Monthly Round Up

Heeeello everybody! It’s the end of June and we are here to share the best bits of the month with you. As you all know this month was Pride month and you may have noticed we changed our colours a little. Just a smidge. And honestly, I don’t know about Niamh but, I’m quite attached to our colourful new look because a) rainbows are so pretty and b) pride isn’t just for one month but all year round. Keep your heads up guys, gals and pals, we love you just as you are and need all of you to make up our wonderful rainbow ❤️💛💚🧡💜💙 Shine on you wonderful diamonds!

Ireland is re-opening little by little but stay safe out there! Now wash those hands and let’s get down to business. (Extra brownie points if you sang: to defeat the Huns.)

Book of the month

E: I sat down and refreshed my memory of a lot of books this month for a post but I actually sat and read ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ cover to cover and fell in love with Rick Riordan’s writing again. Thank you uncle Rick!

N: All American Girl: Ready or Not by Meg Cabot. I went on a major Meg Cabot binge this month. This one still makes me giggle! If you haven’t read it when you were a tweenie or a teen; make sure you give the All American Girl Series a read. 

TV Show Picks

E: Modern Family is what me and my family (well me, my dad and brother) have been watching lately (My mam fell into a DIY YouTube video rabbit hole and hasn’t reappeared yet XD). We all love it for different reasons and it’s hilarious all the time.

N: I’ve been watching Queer Eye with my sister and by gosh is it emotionally AMAZING! Check it out if you haven’t. I won’t spoil it on you but, it is incredibly wholesome and gives me faith in humanity again. 

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendation: 

E: I went on a big old Marvel binge and I gotta say nothing will ever be as iconic as Robert Downey Jr saying ‘Truth is…. I am Iron Man.’ The dawn of the superhero era rested solely on RDJ’s shoulders and now it’s hard to know where Tony Stark begins and RDJ ends. Thank you for Iron Man, Robert; we love you 6000 (because there’s two of us 😁).

N: The Eurovision Song Contest: The Song of Fire Saga. My sister and I sat down and watched this last Sunday; we really enjoyed it. We are MASSIVE Eurovision fans. I’ll be doing an in depth review for the blog later this week but, until then go watch it or listen to the sound track because THAT soundtrack is AMAZING!

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

E: Madagascar! Mada-who-ha? No -gascar. Dancing lemurs, a sassy hippo and a hypochondriac giraffe. I couldn’t ask for more. I like to move it, move it!

N: ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again’ I adore ABBA and have the biggest crush on Jeremy Irvine so, who wouldn’t love a good singalong to some Iconic songs! It just dropped onto Netflix so, make sure you watch it for the first time or the 100th time.

Gaming Picks 

E: I’m going to say the Disney Classics Aladdin and The Lion King on the Switch. So much fun, looks adorable and great music too!

N: I just realised sitting down to do this blog I didn’t do ANY gaming this month that was for me. Will have to say Nintendo Switch Mario Kart 8. That was my go to game with the kids I minded in June when the weather was too bad to go outside. 


Single of the Month

E: Giants – Dermot Kennedy. I could listen to this man singing about a blank sheet of paper and still call the song a masterpiece. I speak not one word of a lie.

N: “Dreams” – Irish Women in Harmony. This song is incredible! I bow down to these amazing artists and musicians; all 39 of them who worked together to give us this amazing cover of The Cranberries ‘Dreams’. It got to number one! The video is lovely and it is taking over the Irish Radio scene. Get on board and give it a listen. 

Album/EP of the Month 

E: The Bonny – Gerry Cinnamon. Not exactly a new release but it arrived in the house this month and everyone seems to like a bit of Gerry here.

N: One Day at a Time – Kodaline. Definitely well worth a listen. I’ve been listening to it on and off since it came out and I blared it at work yesterday 😀

Favourite Thing About June

E: I actually managed to do things I wanted to do! And the wait for the Artemis Fowl movie is over even if the movie was a disappointment.

N: Even with the “new normal” being in place, it is great to see everything beginning to open up and get back to normal. Mind you my body is still getting over the shock of being back at work.

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My new Imagine Dragons Night Visions vinyl. Niamh got it for me as a gift and it really was just a wonderful gift to get.

N: Probably the baking dish that has lived in the oven most of this month. We perfected a few recipes! Including flapjacks and Salted Caramel Brownies. Warning to my friends once we reunite! 😍

Event of the Month?

E: My Marvel Movie Binge. I watched the entire Infinity Saga in timeline order. So much fun and I’m looking forward to some awesome Marvel movies next year. Probably not an event to everyone else but when you’re living out in the back of beyonds it counts.

N: My Friday and Saturday nights with the Lock Up Live crew, Fergal D’Arcy and the amazing acts! Hopefully they’ll be back at some point soon. It’s what made June exciting and that little bit more normal. 

Moment of the Month

E: Being reunited with some of my friends closely followed by the fact that I got Chicken Nuggies from McDonalds and that was a beautiful day.

N: Seeing some family and friends for the first time in months. It was the best feeling in weeks being reunited. 

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Ah, gravity thou art a heartless bitch” – Sheldon Cooper.

N: “In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown 

Three things you are most excited about for July? 

E: NIAMH’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Just letting everyone know that’s coming. (Only you will get away with that Em…) I’m actually looking forward to going back to work because I get paid; having money in my bank account is nice. Seeing all the girls to celebrate the birthdays and the graduation that we missed ASAP.

N: 1. Work hopefully becoming busy again. 2. Seeing friends in the middle of July to celebrate everything we have missed over the last few months and just hanging. 3. I suppose being one year older! Are we even counting this year in terms of age? 

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