May Monthly Round Up

Hi All! It’s the end of another month and, honestly, May felt like it passed by quicker than any other month during this Global Pandemic. I don’t know about you all but we, here at Our Muchness Guide, are enjoying the nice weather, finally getting back into a proper routine and working on the opportunities which are beginning to come our way. As always, Stay Safe and Stay Home when you can! Let’s hop right into this shall we? Here is our May 2020 highlight! 

Book of the month

E: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. This is stellar YA fantasy/supernatural fiction and a fantastic introduction to the series and with four books in the series you have plenty to read.

N: It has to go to Hunted by Meagan Spooner, all of my reading energy this month was put into finishing this book. Honestly, I never fully got into it and what should have only taken me 3/3.5 hours to read it in full turned into weeks trying to will myself to finish it. It’s a different spin and inspired by Beauty and the Beast but I’d only give the book ⅗ Stars. I didn’t read anything else in full this month. Stay tuned in June to hear my thoughts on the new Hunger Games prequel.

TV Show Picks

E: Scrubs – I have begun to rewatch one of my favourites and I still find it funny. Zach Braff (John ‘J.D.’ Dorian) is a spectacular lead character and has such a great cast to act off of including Sarah Chalke (Elliot Reid), Donald Faison (Chris ‘Turk’ Turk), John C. McGinley (Dr. Perry Cox), Judy Reyes (Carla Espinosa), Neil Flynn (The Janitor) and Ken Jenkins (Dr. Bob Kelso) to name but a few. Go watch Scrubs even if it’s just for that intro song: “I can’t do this all on my own, no I know I’m no superman.”

N: The world is obsessed with Normal People at the moment so, that has to be mentioned as a series to watch from May. If you haven’t watched it already, give it a watch. I am sure 99.9% of people will enjoy it! As everyone is talking about it, I’m going to mention another series: ‘Never Have I Ever’ it’s on Netflix – One the ladies I think will enjoy. It will bring you back to your teen years. 

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendation: 

E: Onward (2020) is this wonderful animated action adventure with the voices of Chris Pratt and Tom Holland and, man, do I love this movie. It made me laugh, aw and cry and it’s just such a feel good movie.

N: After months of wanting to see it, I finally saw Knives Out (2019). A stellar cast, a murder case movie with a number of twists. I enjoyed this one a lot. Three out of four members of my family thought they wouldn’t like it but, since family movie night is a thing in lockdown they had to watch it. Happy reviews from all of us, they didn’t see some of the twists and turns coming. 

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

E: The Perfect Date – basically Noah Centineo and his buddy creates an app so Noah can be a fake date to make money for college. I was clearly very focused on the plot points of this movie and not on Noah Centineo at all…..

N: Every now and again I get lost in True Movies Movies! This month is no different with one Saturday morning being put aside to watch ‘Rome in Love’ it’s one of those American Hallmark movies. Basically a Cheesy Romance movie that is corny and predictable. I mainly loved it for the scenic shots in Rome and surrounding areas. 

Gaming Picks 

E: Legends of Runeterra is a mobile card game by Riot (who are responsible for League of Legends) and it is so damn pretty. I genuinely love it. League of Legends in my pocket ❤

N: I’m back on a Kingdom Hearts III binge after our Playstation 4 ended up messing up and some files corrupted. Honestly, I adore the graphics of this one.


Single of the Month

E: ‘Boxes’ by Gavin James is an amazing song with a fantastic message and such a unique music video and sure don’t you know we love Gavin here. Without a doubt, Evøke deserves a mention as well for ‘Can You Feel It’ but Niamh beat me to it. 

N: ‘Can You Feel It’ Evoke! Check out our blog post all about it but absolute tunes! Welcome back lads!

Album/EP of the Month 

E: Mother Monster is back with Chromatica and I, for one, welcome back the pop icon that is Lady Gaga! Little monsters everywhere have a spectacular album to dance to!

N: The 1975 Notes Of A Conditional Form . Twenty Two songs on this album and I have fallen in love with The 1975 all over again! If you haven’t listened to this album yet, give it a spin ASAP!

Favourite Thing About May

E: The opportunities that we’ve been given here at O.M.G. plus the fact that summer really feels like it’s here. Are we actually going to get a summer this year?

N: The Weather! We thought April was amazing. May just went and blew it out of the park! It will be interesting to see if the weather continues or if we got the Summer sun early! 

Favourite Item of the Month

E: Oddly enough, it’s my phone; nothing new or exciting but full of all my favourite songs, has posted more O.M.G posts than I care to admit, I’ve put the bare bones of posts together on my phone (using it to write this right now) and it’s my connection to all my friends at the moment. It’s gone above and beyond this month and I’d be lost without it.

N: I got a present of Thanks Brother’s EP.1 Vinyl and honestly it is my favourite thing of this month. The sound quality is just stunning via the record player. 

Event of the Month?

E: Off the top of my head I can’t think of any events. I had a very uneventful May thanks to ‘Rona.

N: I have two this month and both with Thanks Brother. Firstly, Thanks Brother’s Live Gig via their Facebook on May 11th; it was to mark their headline gig that should have been in The Button Factory May 8th. Was I bopping around the kitchen while baking? Yes yes I was but I was having the best time singing and dancing along to my favourites. Second one was Friday 29th May, Thanks Brother did a full live band gig thanks to Lock Up Live Show! There is going to be gigs Friday and/or Saturday nights over on their YouTube. Free to view but, if you want to donate; there is a link in their bio!

Moment of the Month

E: Waking up to Niamh telling me to check the number of reads on our 5SOS blog post, that killed me a little. So many readers, new and old and a humongous thank you to everyone who stopped for a few minutes to read what we have to say this month but 5SOS was that b*tch. The stand out moment of our blog so far and what was our reaction: “She doesn’t even go here…” Why are we like this? Next we’ll be saying “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.”

N: I burnt my left hand. The moment when you release you now have a lovely scar to match the burn mark on your right hand. Moment of the entire drama of it all: I asked my sister to get  down the burn gel. She asked “What does the burn gel look like?” I answered“It’s in a tube”. She replied “Bless You!” Despite the pain I laughed! 

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Walk on air against your better judgement” – Seamus Heaney

N: “Life’s what you make it so, let’s make it rock!” – Hannah Montana (courtesy of Aoife Neville, cheers Aoife!) 

Three things you are most excited about for June? 

E: Nothing interesting happening next month. Nope. Nothing XD summer that’s what’s happening.

N: 1. It’s the beginning of the Birthday season for my family and extended family. Watch us celebrate at least 30 birthdays between the beginning of June to the beginning of September. 2. Hopefully we will be reaching our targets for the ease of lockdown in phases 2 and three in June, I look forward to being able to visit my grandparents again. 3. Hopefully the continued good weather.

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