D-F Artists of the Irish Music Scene

Hi all! So, it has been a while since we posted the first post of our A-Z of Irish Artists series. Are you ready for round two? In this installment we are going to look at D-F! As always, we posted on our socials to get some artists’ names we may have forgotten and made a master list. From this list, we then wrote out each artist/band name on pieces of paper and picked five pieces of paper per letter (where we could). We will be answering a few questions per artist/act. During our isolation period and social distancing, remember music gets us through these tough times! So, if you feel like checking out any of these artists, the streams would help them out massively and you might fall in love with some new music. Now sit back and enjoy reading our round up of some incredibly talented D-F Artists of the Irish Music Scene! 

Dan Elliott

Dan is a singer songwriter hailing from Cork who has spent the past three years travelling around Ireland and Europe for gigs. With the success of singles to date and most recently being a finalist in Today FM’s search for a support act for Gavin James in the 3 Arena, the sky is not even the limit for this phenomenal singer. Dan’s music can be found here.

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E:  I have heard of Dan before but I haven’t been listening to him regularly.

N: Yes I had. He is one of my regulars that I listen to. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: His songs always have a story or a message to tell in the lyrics which makes his music so enjoyable; you will always understand the story and meaning behind his songs.  

N: An artist who, I am pretty sure I am in love with his voice! Dan’s voice is incredible. His lyrics are always laced with emotion. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Only Ever Been You’

N: ‘Maybe We’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: I haven’t heard enough of his songs to say that I’ve been surprised by one in particular.

N: Not yet. But, I have a feeling something is coming that will blow his other songs out of the water!

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to?  

E: If I’m not mistaken, I had the chance to see Dan at Indie 2018 but I went to see a different act with a friend instead so she wouldn’t be alone. I’m sorry I missed him now. I really do want to see him though.

N: Yes, he is an artist that I have always seen by myself. Which is a big deal in itself! I’ve only seen him three times live and hope to add to that number later this year! 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Not as far as I know but I’m sure that will change if I see him live soon.

N: Riverfest 2019! Cheers for letting me hang Dan and making me feel so welcome! 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: I absolutely recommend him. Give ‘Maybe We’ a listen.

N: Always! Give ‘Only Ever Been You’ a listen to first! Mind you anything by Dan is amazing so you know what? Open up his spotify and pick whichever takes your fancy!

Dermot Kennedy 

Along with being one of Emma’s favourite artists of all time, the entire of Ireland knows at least one of Dermot Kennedy’s songs (looking at you ‘Outnumbered’ and ‘Power Over Me’). This singer-songwriter hails from Dublin meaning, along with being a worldwide sensation Dermot is one of our own. With #1 Album ‘Without Fear’ and a line of hit singles, there is no reason why you shouldn’t listen to this man’s masterpieces. Dermot’s music can be found here.

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E:  I definitely heard of Dermot Kennedy before (at this point who hasn’t). I listen to his music a lot because I have his album on my phone.

N: Yes. Whenever he appears on my playlist. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: To me, Dermot’s lyrics in songs are visually stunning if you stop to paint a picture using the words that he chooses for his songs and beautifully lyrical but also so deep and meaningful at the same time and, on top of all that, his vocals are so unique that it’s just so easy to sit down and listen to his whole album continuously.

N: Dermot Kennedy the absolute bae! It is all about the lyrics when it comes to him. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘What Have I Done,’ ‘Rome’ or ‘Glory.’ They’re the songs that I listen to most.

N: ‘Outnumbered’ 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E:  ‘An Evening I Will Not Forget’ was the first song ever that made me stop completely and just listen. This is the song that a lot of other musicians have to compete with for me.

N: ‘Power Over Me’ was the first song of his I heard and it made me stop and take notice. It’s the song that made me look up the rest of his music. 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E:  I have seen him live once. He supported Mumford and Sons and I was just amazed by his talent. I would absolutely love to see him live at his own concert though. He sounds as good live as he does on studio recorded tracks.

N: No I haven’t I really want to but, the dates have never suited. I look forward to seeing him someday with Emma because one of us will have to make sure the other one doesn’t faint. 😉 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E:  Well, I remember saying that if he wrote a song insulting me I’d be grateful because at least it would be lyrically beautiful… Does that count?

N: Buying Emma a ticket for Mumford and Sons for her birthday because she adores them and the icing on the cake was Dermot supporting. It meant Emma finally got to see him live for the first time. (E: isn’t she the best? <3) 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Without a doubt. I think ‘Dancing Under Red Skies’ and especially ‘What Have I Done’ are beautiful songs to listen to appreciate his lyrics but I could probably say the same about his whole album if I spent enough time going through it. What can I say I’m smitten by his lyrics, they’re stunning.

N: It’s Dermot frickin Kennedy of course I am gonna recommend him! He is taking the world by storm at the moment! Where to start? All of his songs are beautifully composed and lyrically stunning so start at the beginning of his album and go from there: ‘An Evening I Will Not Forget’. 


This alternate rapper hails from Dublin and is quickly building a loyal following for himself within the Irish Rap Scene. One thing to watch in Daly’s lyrics is his storytelling quality with some explicit real moments. He currently has four singles on Spotify and hopes to drop his E.P ‘Unapologetic’ soon but you can check out his singles here.

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: Daly is a brand new artist to me but I’m willing to listen to some music and find out what it’s all about.

N: So, Daly is a new artist to me as in I legit just started listening to thanks to Shannon. And, fudge me, why has he not found his way onto my recommended list before now! 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: That blunt honesty. Damn. I can’t say more than that.

N: All of it because, just damn. Guys, you need to go listen to his music. I wish I could sum up into words exactly how much I am liking every aspect of his music! 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Eliminate’

N: ‘Everything Will Be Ok’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: ‘What You See’ made my eyes go wide like I mentioned honesty but damn!

N: ‘Good Riddance’ 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t been to a gig but I’d be willing to go. I get the feeling the songs are even more impactful in person.

N: No but, he may just have bumped himself to the top of my must see list! 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Not yet but I’m sure I will when I get to a gig.

N: Not yet but I say when I try rap along will be a lot of fun for those listening and probably embarrassing. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Yeah! Daly has some tracks that hit hard. Listen to ‘Everything Will Be Ok.’

N: Yes! When I say his tracks slap! I mean it! Go listen to see exactly how amazing his music is.Listen to ‘What You See’.


One of our fantastic veteran acts on our A-Z lists. Irish Music lovers will know the Delorentos without needing an introduction. For those of you who don’t, the Delorentos are an alternative rock band from Dublin. With five albums, numerous singles in their repertoire and a winner of ‘Irish Album of the Year’, they are no doubt one of Ireland’s leading bands. For anyone who hasn’t listened to their music, do so here.  

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I have heard of the Delorentos but I don’t listen to them much but, as I realised today, I may have heard them on the radio and not even realised that it was, in fact, the Delorentos until the DJ says it afterwards. 

N: Yes and every time they come on my work playlist or on busy busy days at work on reception with one of my coworkers – she adores them – and when it is her turn to pick the music.

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: A lot of their music seems like it could easily be recreated live with acoustic instruments so I have high expectations when I see them live. Also they have all these songs that I look at the title and think I don’t know this song and then I listen and realise that the song wasn’t actually called ‘Just Get Over It.’ 

N: Their overall sound. I am here for their lyrics and their music. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: Secret – I can’t help it. It’s catchy as hell. 

N: ‘In the Moment’. It’s just catchy! You should see my little dance to it too. 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most? 

E: Petardu – I didn’t actually know it was their song until I listened to their Spotify. Sorry Delos! XD

N:  Probably the first song I ever heard by them, ‘Stop’.

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t seen them yet but I’d be very interested to review them if I got a chance.

N: Yes. Indiependence 2018. Fun story with these guys I should have seen them at least three times since then but life gets in the way. I hope to see them again before the end of 2020.

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: I don’t have any memories that I can think of off the top of my head but I’m sure that will change in time.

N: Memorable memory for this one… So, Indiependence 2018 was 25 acts over 3 days. The Delerentos set was fairly late into the evening and we had to run over from another act. Upon arriving, the tent they were playing in was completely full which was fine because we could still hear the music. Just as they began their set, this young one ran past us trying to run into the tent mistook where a steel pole holding the tent in place was and lamped herself into it. Upon asking her if she was okay she said yes, she just forgot her glasses in her tent and couldn’t see a thing but she adores the Delorentos and wasn’t missing any of their set. Shout out to that fan, hope you were okay afterwards.

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: It would be remiss of me not to recommend Delorentos to everyone but one song that I would recommend is ‘Show Me Love’ because it’s probably one of their most recognisable songs, in my opinion.

N: Yes I would! 100x times over yes! I agree with Emma on this one. Give ‘Show Me Love’ a listen.

David Kennan

David is a singer-songwriter from county Louth. His debut Album ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Bravery’ came out in January 2020. With a backlog of singles and EPs to his name, David captures the old ways of the Irish Folk genre but also leaves his own mark in a truly remarkable way. You can listen to David’s music here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I’ve heard of David and people have sung his praises but somehow this is the first time I’ve listened to his music. 

N: Yes, I throw on his album via my CD player regularly. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: The simplistic vibe in David’s music is beautiful and at times he reminds me of Christy Moore when he speaks over music or uses those typical Irish colloquialisms. It feels like it’s just a man and his guitar and it all gives off this very laid back vibe.

N: The overall vibe of his music. It is a huge compliment when it comes from Dad, Dad is very fussy when it comes to music! In recent years, if it wasn’t Ed Sheeran we weren’t to blare it near him but David Kennan has passed his critical ear! So, for that go check him out. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Good Old Days’

N: ‘Unholy Ghosts’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: Honestly I wasn’t expecting the more produced sound of ‘Unholy Ghost’ and then to hear the live acoustic version it all made sense how it fit into his repertoire.

N: ‘Cobwebs’. I had this thought in my head of what I thought David would sound like but it was nothing like I imagined it but this was a good surprise. 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: No I haven’t. I look forward to it though.

N: No, unfortunately I haven’t seen him yet, but he is on the list of Irish acts to see. 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: I remember that some of the girls reacted to his album ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Bravery’ on release day in our group chat and I was thinking this guy must be spectacular if the girls love this album so much. Turns out the praise was well deserved.

N: Honestly, the memory I have with David’s music is I went out and bought his album after being recommended his music by a friend. It was quite early in the morning and the shop assistant informed me I was the first person to buy his album today but he expected to be restocking the shelves before the end of the day. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: 100% would recommend him. Try ‘James Dean’ and then just go listen to his whole album.

N: Yes, start with his album which came out in January. ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Bravery’.


You’ll see a running theme when it comes to Evoke for us both from Our Muchness Guide but putting ‘Manic 2000’ aside we would urge everyone to check out Evoke. This band hails from the West of Ireland. One of Ireland’s most underrated bands, their sound is such a hidden gem. Step out of your own comfort zone when it comes to music and give these lads a listen. They have two singles which you can listen to here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: Generally this is a genre of music that I would have very little interest in but their energy really sold me when I saw them live.

N: Yes, cheers to Riverfest! They were the diamond in the ruff find of the weekend I feel. They only have two songs on Spotify but they get listened to alot. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: There’s something very Paolo Nutini about them that I absolutely love.

N: I like the change up in sound from one single to another when it comes to Evoke. But, what aspect of their music jumps out the most? Go see them live and you’ll see for yourself. What they do with their live music is next level! 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Collide’

N: ‘Keep On Moving’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: If I don’t say Maniac 2000 I’d be lying

N: Maniac 2000

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I saw them at Riverfest and, honestly, they were nothing like I expected.

N: I have to agree with Emma on this one. I hadn’t looked them up before seeing them at Riverfest but, I adored their set! 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Riverfest – one of the lads in the band with a banjo and his foot in a cast and the whole lot of them going hell for leather performing Maniac 2000. That was not something I ever expected to see. It was amazing! 

N: Maniac 2000 at Riverfest. I remember looking over at Emma and asking “Is this really happening?” and yes, yes it was! 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: See them live if you can. They are fantastic. And have such great energy! I would recommend ‘Keep on Moving’ for that Nutini vibe and then go see them live. DO IT! 

N: Yes! If you ever get the chance to go see them for their energy and stage presence. They draw the entire audience in and trust me when I say, things get INSANE! Start on their most recent single ‘Collide’ 


This duo is made up of Ellen and Carla. When we say we were blown away by Elkin’s harmonies, we really mean it. Elkin seems to have found the right level of mix within two genres for them; folk and pop. They exploded onto the scene last year releasing four singles, one of which was a collaboration with 1000 Beasts. Definitely ones to watch for the remainder of 2020 and ones we feel everyone needs to go see live as soon as possible! You can find their songs here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: Elkin is brand new to me so I’m going to dive in and see what I think.

N: I have. Relatively a new listen to Elkin since late 2019 when they brought out a song with 1000 Beasts. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: I think this is what a choir of angels sounds like because, my god, the harmonies are stunning. They give me goosebumps with those harmonies. That kind of synchronicity takes time and dedication so props to Elkin for putting so much effort into their music. 

N: Their harmonies.Listen to their music and come back and tell me if you are not impressed by their harmonies.  

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Green Eyes’ 

N: Their song ‘Fall So Easy’ with 1000 Beasts is my favourite because that song sums up me when it comes to love. 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: I started with ‘Fall So Easy’ and it feels like 1000 Beasts added feather light touches to a song that was already stunning to make it even better. This is a team that I’d love to see work together again.

N: ‘Win Win’

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: Unfortunately not yet.

N: No, I hope to soon.

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: I’ll get there, I’m sure.

N: None yet! Let’s hope that changes sooner rather than later. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Elkin are amazing so check out ‘Win Win’ and after that there’s plenty of different tracks for you to enjoy.

N: Yes. Start with ‘DIY’ and pick from there whichever takes your fancy. 

Erica Cody

Erica is an up and coming alt-RnB singer from Dublin. She has been releasing songs for the past three years but she is a new artist on our radar. Her E.P ‘Leoness’ came out in 2019 and we urge everyone to give her music a listen to here. We adore strong female performers and Erica, with the mixture of her sound, her voice and her lyrics, is just that; we look forward to seeing what she does next. Find her music here 🙂

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I’ve heard her name but never listened to her music.

N: I had heard her name in passing but I had never listened to her music. Another act recommended by Shannon! So, let’s do this, you all will be getting my genuine first reactions for this act! 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: Erica has such a strong R&B vibe in her music like the old school R&B artists like Mary J Blige and Brandy. I love that and she really knows how she wants her music to sound so she sits perfectly into the kind of music I love. She has such a powerful voice to top it all off. Just yes Erica!

N: Apart from her voice! Cause dayum gurl! Slay! The beats within the music are amazing. I am adding her to my dance playlist. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: Over & Over

N: ‘Good Intentions’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most? 

E: It was during the second listen of Where U Really From that I fully paid attention to Erica’s lyrics (I get distracted by beats a lot during the first listen of any song) and her honesty and her message are blunt. It’s very obvious what her message is in this song.

N:  Her lyrics. The truth that seeps through in her lyrics will make you listen to the song twice! 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: Not yet but she is definitely someone I want to see asap

N: No, but much to Shannon’s happiness, Erica has been added to the list of who to go see this year! 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Not yet but I’m looking forward to making memories with the girls at her gigs.

N: Not yet but, I am sure there will be many memorable memories made at the first gig I make it to with the girls. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Definitely listen to ‘Runaway’, Erica is definitely an artist to check out.

N: Yes, Start with ‘Where U Really From’, it tells her story and the beat is sick! 

Electric Shore

Electric Shore are a three piece alternative rock band made up of three childhood friends all hailing from Co. Meath. Although they have been playing together since 2012, the band dropped a number of singles in 2019 and seems to have finally honed in on their sound. We look forward to seeing what this band brings out next and urge everyone to give their music a listen here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I have heard of them but I don’t listen to them nearly as much as I should.

N: No, I hadn’t. This band was Emma’s first pick when she heard the letter ‘E’ and I was surprised I hadn’t heard of the band before. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: What I love is that no two songs are the same. ES knows how to mix up their style and make it work for them and their sound always reminds me of Coldplay.

N: Their music style. It could be that they like mixing things up but, I like that their singles all bring something different to the table. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Too Different’

N: ‘Something New’ it was the song of theirs that had me hooked from the very beginning. 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: I haven’t really been surprised by a song but, hopefully, with more music and time ES will surprise everyone.

N: None yet but, I hope that changes with some new releases.

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t seen them live yet but I definitely want to see them sooner rather than later

N: No. But I look forward to checking them out live with Emma.

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Not yet but, hopefully, that will change.

N: Not yet! Let’s make the first gig of theirs we get to one to remember!

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Well considering they were the first band I thought of that began with E, I kind of already have recommended them but I’ll recommend them again so check out ‘Breathe.’

N: Yes, give ‘Breathe’ a listen too first. Check it out on YouTube to see Electric Shore do their thing live! 

Eve Belle

One of the strongest female song-writers hailing from Ireland at the moment, Eve is a singer-songwriter from Donegal. Her debut E.P ‘The Fine Line Between Brave and Stupid’ came out in 2019. With numerous gigs up and down the country from support slots to her own headline gigs, Eve is one act you really need to keep an eye out for. Listen carefully to each and every song this artist releases because her lyrics cut with blunt honesty. You can listen to her songs here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I have heard of Eve before and I listen to her music every now and then.

N: I had heard of her before today. Sometimes. When it comes to Eve’s music it helps me through certain emotions so it gets blared then.

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: Eve isn’t afraid to be bluntly honest in her lyrics. She’s not afraid to put exactly what she’s thinking into her music and it may not be to everyone’s taste and I understand that but I quite like her music for that.

N: Her lyrics. Be it moments that sum up your own feelings to ‘did she really say that’ moments. Her lyrics make her stand out from everyone else.

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Til I Fall Asleep’

N: ‘Hard to Love Me’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: I think, rather than a singular song surprising me, Eve’s willingness to write so openly and honestly surprised me. I know a lot of people would struggle to speak about ex’s and all that but not Eve. I’m telling you, her candor is refreshing; there is no sugarcoating what some people do to you.

N: I agree with Emma on this one. It is not one song by itself but Eve’s honesty in her lyrics that surprises me time and time again. 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I’ve seen Eve live a few times as a support but I would like to see her at her own headline gig.

N: No, unfortunately I haven’t. I honestly cannot wait for the day I actually make it to one of her gigs! 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music? 

E: Not that I can think of. I will say that, for one of the support slots that I saw Eve at, there were three girls no older than 16 standing next to me… I don’t think they really knew what a f*ckboy was.

N: Emma texting me telling me to check out Eve’s music because she thought I’d enjoy it. That happened after Emma saw her open for Wild Youth! 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Oh, definitely listen to ‘Cutthroat’ but, if you’re easily offended or perhaps have younger ears in the vicinity of the radio, just remember that I told you that she’s not afraid to say what she’s thinking.

N:Yes, ‘Cutthroat’ just doesn’t hold back. It is risky and amazing. Just blare it and enjoy it for what it is!


Fangclub is a band name many Irish music lovers will be familiar with but, for those of you who do not know them, let me introduce you to Niamh’s favourite Irish Alt-Rock band. In recent years, they have toured around Ireland and Europe with support slots, headline shows and festival appearances. Their most recent album ‘Vulture Culture’ came out in 2019. However, their musical repertoire is a sight to be seen with their debut album, EPs and a number of singles. You can listen to their music here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: This is another case of hearing a lot about them and they come highly recommended (especially by one person in particular) but I’ve never listened to them maybe I’m just being stubborn 😛

N: Yes! I owe Fergal D’arcy alot for recommending these guys! They have taken over an entire playlist of my favourites. 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: I think what jumps out at me is that though they’re classified as alternative rock or punk rock they seem to fit across the whole genre. Some bands tend to sit in their niche of a genre while Fangclub tend to blur the lines of their genre by crossing over and back between genres and subgenres. 

N: Can I say all of it? Honestly I first listened to this band with no expectations or, after hearing anyone’s thoughts on them. I just went in with the recommendation “You need to check out Fangclub, I think you’ll really like them!”.  I am still surprised at how much I enjoy every aspect of their music and are grateful to those you kept badgering me to check out their music. 

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Vulture Culture’ It’s the title track of their album for a reason or ‘Black Rainbow.’

N: ‘Hesitations’ apparently it is an odd choice when I tell people but, the song hits hard every time. 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: ‘All Fall Down’ it belongs in a Michael Bay Transformers movie soundtrack now!

N: ‘Dreamcatcher’ everytime. 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t seen them live but I would love to when I get an opportunity.

N: No. Their gigs have never suited due to work and family commitments. I was meant to see them in Listowel last month but, due to you know what, the gig has been rescheduled. Fingers crossed November works out.

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Give me time, I’ll get there.

N: Embarrassing memory time. Anyone else guilty of this one? Rocking out in my room to their music, tripping over air and bashing my head off the corner of my bed;landing on the ground. Yes I am a klutz and to this day I can’t listen to ‘Vulture Culture’ without touching the part of my head I hit that day! 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Have a listen to their album or maybe ‘Follow’.

N: Yes. Now if you are into the Alternative Rock / Punk Rock genre of music you need to listen to the entire of their album ‘Vulture Culture’. Start at the first song and work your way through the album! 

Fallen Lights

Fallen Lights are an Indie Pop Band who have been on the Irish music scene since 2017 and have been growing from strength to strength with each new single. These guys have an incredible stage presence and from a few run ins with the band themself, we are happy to report they are some of the loveliest men on the Irish music scene at the moment. They have five singles to date but these are definitely ones of our ‘ones to watch’. You can find their music here

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: Yep I have but I haven’t listened to their songs nearly enough.

N: Yes and sometimes. I am waiting patiently for new material from this band! 

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: That Imagine Dragon influence. Maybe I’m imagining things but, to me, they sound like the Irish sound equivalent of Imagine Dragon and I love me some Imagine Dragons. So two big thumbs up from me.  

N: Their overall sound. You need to listen to them to fully get what I mean but, they stand alone on the Irish Music Scene on their unique sound.

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Last Train Home’

N: ‘Extra Time’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: I’m not surprised by their songs. They are consistently dropping bops and they day that stops then I’ll be surprised. No pressure XD

N: ‘Last Train Home’ I remember hearing it for the first time and thinking ‘oh this is a vibe’ 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I have seen them live and I would love to see them again. I saw them at Indiependence and I really feel like that was only part of what they’re able to do and I would love to see a full show.

N: Yes! I honestly need to go see these guys a lot more though. I enjoy their energy on stage and of course their music. Highlight gigs seeing these guys were Riverfest 2019 and Indiependence 2019.

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Not so much a memory but I always associate this band with a friend of mine, Kathryn, because she is the one who recommended them to me. I basically had some free time between acts and Kat told me to check them out. I’m glad I did. Thanks Kat ❤

N: My fun memory was seeing these guys at Indiependence. Surround by friends but mostly the epic dancing with Mammy Sinead*! It is such a great memory.  *context Mammy Sinead is not my mam but she is such a dear friend and the honorary mammy of many of us on the Irish gig scene fan base.*

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: 100% would recommend them without a shadow of a doubt! I’m recommending ‘Extra Time’ as a song to listen to first.

N: Yes, 100x yes! For Fallen Lights I honestly think you need to start from the beginning so, ’Paycheck’ and work your way to their most recent ‘Karma’

Fontaines D.C

Probably the most sensational band that is quickly taking over the world from Ireland at the moment and an interesting post punk band. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you haven’t listened to Fontaines D.C yet, we would encourage you to listen to their music at your earliest convenience. The band released their debut album ‘Dogrel’ in 2019 and it took home the gold as the 2019 album of the year from both BBC 6Music and Rough Trade. As for their backlog of singles, they began to appear on the scene in 2018. One band to definitely go see before they truly conquer the world. You can listen to their music here.

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: It’s kind of a case of ‘if you’re interested in the irish music scene, who hasn’t heard mention of them’ but I can’t say I listen to them much at all.

N: A very important person in my life in my life kept on and on about Fontaines D.C and urged me to listen to them. So, yes I had heard of them before today but, I will admit I didn’t dissect their music as much as I did before this blog post. They are on the work music playlist.

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: They’re the epitome of a Dublin accent over music which people class as a kind of punk but, I feel, is more garage and less ragey than punk, does that make sense?

N: Honestly, I love the way they let their accent shine through. The mash up of their accent and the music itself works incredibly well and creates a distinct sound.

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: ‘Big’

N: ‘Liberty Belle’ 

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most? 

E: This is very much a case of I don’t know their music well enough to say I’ve been surprised by their music. What I have noticed is that there’s an emphasis on rhythm rather than riffs.

N:  It’s Fontaines? Does that count. They have created such a unique sound within their music that even though they are in a genre of music, they are entirely in a league of their own. That is what surprised me most. 

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t seen them live but in this instance I would want to be very certain their music is to my taste before I see them live.

N: Not yet but, if all stays according to plan with Summer gigs… I may just see them live in July for my birthday!  

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: No, all their music is very new to me. 

N: Not yet but, I am sure that will change once I see them live. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: As a big Irish power house of punk, I do recommend them. They’re placed alongside the likes of IDLES for a reason and I’d recommend ‘Boys in the Better Land’ to start, it’s one of their better known tracks.

N: Yes and trust me when I say don’t put it on the long finger just go and listen to them as soon as you can; then you’ll be able to make up your own mind on one of Ireland’s fastest growing bands. Try ‘Too Real’ to start off with. 


Flynn originally hails from Mullingar in co. Westmeath but, prefected his sound in the U.K. His music seems to belong in the alt-pop genre with the emphasis being on his lyrics mashed together with his vocals. He began to release music in 2018 and we cannot recommend Flynn enough. Another one of our ones to watch! You can find his music here and we would urge everyone to give him a listen! 

Have you heard of this act before today? If so, did you listen to their music regularly?

E: I’ve heard of Flynn before and I do love ‘Recognise’ but I haven’t really listened to other songs by him. 

N: I had only heard of him recently from my friend Shannon. He, of course, got added to the playlist but he is still a new artist to me.

What aspect of their music jumps out at you the most?

E: To me, it seems like he likes to try different things in each of his songs but keeps the core of his songs (his lyrics) and his voice the same and still identifiable.

N: Each song, even though collectively have Flynn’s sound; they are all stand alone and not entirely the same vibe.

What is your favourite song of theirs? 

E: After listening to the rest of his songs, ‘My Gold’ has replaced ‘Recognise’ as favourite.

N: ‘Peace of Mind’

Have you a song of theirs that surprised you most?  

E: Not really but I’m looking forward to seeing what he creates next.

N: Not yet! But, I am sure I will at some point.

Have you seen them live? If not, do you want to? 

E: I haven’t seen him live, as far as I can remember, but I definitely want to.

N: No I haven’t seen Flynn live yet but, from listening to his music for a little while now, I hope to see him sometime in the near future. 

Have you any fun, embarrassing or memorable memories or stories involving their music?

E: Nothing off the top of my head but singing along badly with headphones to Recognise has probably annoyed my family to high heavens. 

N: Not yet anyway! Hopefully I’ll get to a gig soon with Shannon. 

Would you recommend them? If you would recommend what song do you recommend listening to first? And if not why?

E: Try ‘Recognise’ and then ‘My Gold’ to see that difference that I mentioned earlier.

N: Sure! Go give ‘Recognise‘ a listen first and work back from there. 

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