March Monthly Round Up

What a month….. It’s like 2020 saw that 2019 was tough and said “Hold my beer.” We really hope you’re all happy, healthy and safe at home. We know it’s been tough but we can all get through this. Also: Hi Niamh!!! (We’re actually both writing on this at the same time from our separate homes into the same Google Doc so that’s a novel experience. Usually we write very separately. – Hey Em! It’s an interesting experience all!) We hope isolation isn’t too bad right now but we won’t let it stop us from doing our monthly round up and keeping our routines going…to a degree. But enough doom and gloom, let’s see what was the best of the month, shall we?

Book of the month

E: I’m rereading the Lord of the Rings books from one massive volume and I love it. It’s a timeless adventure and a much needed escape and then I can go binge watch all the movies again AGAIN!!! \(^,^)/

N: Right gang you all can laugh at this but, I started ’The Maze Runner Series’ again. I thought to get my mind off the current world we are in right now, it would be a great time to revisit a series that was worse off than us. 

TV Show Picks

E: I’ve actually been going back to my anime roots this month and I rewatched some of my old favourites but I have to admit ‘Fruits Basket’ and ‘Ouran High School Host Club’ are still my favourites.

N: This month I have been rewatching ‘Bones’ gosh I miss that TV Show a lot. Growing up I always aspired to be like Dr. Brennan but it took growing up to realise I am more like Booth which I wouldn’t change for the world. There are 12 Seasons so go get lost in this series. 

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendation: 

E:  Let’s go with an oldie but a goldie! ‘Space Jam!’ Go watch it. In no way does it ever make sense but, hey, it’s Loony Toons sense and physics are parked at the door for this one. Then go watch ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ just because. Who doesn’t love a little cartoon madness?

N: The Marvel movies! Binge watching or a movie a night is becoming a thing for many families at the moment. Why not start with an arch of movies that will keep you entertained for hours on end? We are on movie no.5 out of 23.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

E: A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song – One was enough. We don’t need about forty different iterations of the same story… we get it. It’s Cinderella in a contemporary setting yes wow…. NEXT!

N: With the arrival of Disney+ in my life some people might see this coming but, go binge watch the 1990’s and early noughties Disney Channel movies. Top Cheesy Recommendations include ‘Halloweentown’ it is my all time favourite Disney Channel original movie! The ‘High School Musical Series’, for those who want to be reminded of one of the most creepy and god awful Disney Channel original movies ‘Don’t Look Under The Bed’ or ‘Johnny Tsunami’ .Go relive your tween years/ teenage years or, go enjoy some so bad they are good movies! 

Gaming Picks 

E: TOMB RAIDER!!!! Anniversary to be specific. I’ve been playing it non stop because Square Enix had a massive sale on Steam and my 3 favourite TR games were on sale. So I bought them for less than a euro each and have been playing them a hell of a lot. I set up my little gaming corner in my bedroom with all my Corsair gaming equipment and everything!! I’ve been playing so much that I’ve even been playing TR on phone calls to Niamh and when I should really be doing blog work. Whoops! Sorry (Not really but still…) 

N: With being at home a lot this month I started to play Pokemon again. Currently working my way through Alpha Sapphire, so that is this month’s overall pick! 


Single of the Month

E: Stupid Love – Lady Gaga. I know it was technically released in February but Mother Monster is back with all the colour and pop glam that so many people love her for so I don’t give a damn when it was released! Don’t get me wrong, I adored her other albums, but if Chromatica includes more tracks like Stupid Love, I’m happy to wait for it. We all need to dance together for this album. 

N: This was the hardest decision this month… There have been some AMAZING songs released from our own Irish Home Grown Heroes and those across the sea. So, *drum roll please* Luz Corrigan ‘I’m Lonely’ takes it home. I’ve been waiting for months for it to come out and it was truly worth the wait. Check it out here

Album/EP of the Month 

E: ‘Heartbreak Weather’ has been supplying my exercise music lately so songs like ‘Black and White’ and ‘Everywhere’ have been kicking my ass and the bonus track ‘Nothing’ is a very me song so naturally I like that too. Niall Horan is a harsh PT. Did I mention that it’s literally the only album I bought this month because my Google Music store is not working.

N: ‘Heartbreak Weather’ was it ever gonna be anything else? Honorable mentions go to 5 Seconds of Summer ‘Calm’ and Dua Lipa ‘Future Nostalgia’. 

Favourite Thing About March

E: Seeing the sunshine again and seeing our little country recognise a threat and act accordingly in a timely manner as a unit.

N: Honestly, the way in which the entire country has banded together to get us through this tough time. Good job Ireland! Now time to keep it up! 

Favourite Item of the Month

E: My phone. It’s been teaching me Spanish. I never thought I could have so much hatred for a little green owl but here we are.

N: My CD player. Radio, check. CDS, check. Bluetooth? Check. It has come in handy when watching all the musician’s lives on instagram. By putting the sound through it, it makes it seem more like an intimate gig. 

Event of the Month

E: The Harry Potter quiz that went so sideways but was still so much fun. Can we get those lads from Cork to try pronouncing every spell that appeared in the book series please because that was hilarious. Expellillyarmius! 

N: Even though it didn’t go to plan on the creators side, the online Harry Potter Quiz I did via YouTube and group voice call with Emma, Aoife, Kat and my sister. It was such a laugh, very much needed and I look forward to many more nights like that! 

Moment of the Month

E: “You okay?” Niamh (squeaking): “No!” I’m just going to leave it at that.

N: March 12th for a few reasons but, let’s talk about the most important reason and not let it be the elephant in this blog post! With the announcement of the schools and universities closing there has been such a snowball effect. Now more than ever I am proud to call myself Irish, the thoughtfulness, keeping together by staying apart and all the fun challenges shown by the people of this country has been inspiring.

Quote of the Month

E: “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – JRR Tolkien

N: “Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the other things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” – Winnie the Pooh

Three things you are most excited about for April 

E: More brilliant livestreams which have been keeping me sane lately. I’m also looking forward to being one step closer to beating this virus. Do the next right thing please and think about others as well as yourself. And lastly, I’m looking forward to all the stress eating I’m going to do over the next month; at least isolation will be tasty. 

N: I know they have already started but the live streams in aid of Childline – raising money for an extremely important charity while getting to hear some of my favourite acts? Yes please! Don’t forget to donate. Walks in the countryside near my house and Easter Eggs. Yes, I am a big child but, I aim to have a fun Easter Sunday with my siblings. Time to release the inner child again! 

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