Blogmas: What My Christmas Looks Like and If Money Wasn’t an Issue, What Would It Be Like

So since work, gigs and life in general decided to take over our Blogmas plans, we decided to combine some Blogmas ideas. For my 2 in 1 post, I decided to look at what my upcoming Christmas Day looks like and what it would look like if money was no object.

What My Christmas Looks Like

Normally, Christmas Day really starts on Christmas Eve for me. We have, for a long time, prepped a majority of the vegetables (carrots, parsnips, brussel sprouts, turnip and potatoes) and have them ready to cook on Christmas Eve. Each vegetable in a separate pot full of water with a lid on top so that all that needs to be done is put them on to cook. We do the same with the turkey and ham, they’re partially cooked the night before too so that, when it comes to actually cooking on Christmas Day, most of the work is already done. Most things like gravy and the stuffing are left til last and then food is served, hopefully, around 2pm. Dinner is usually massive and barely fits on the dinner plates we have at home but it’s good food and I love my home-cooked food. Since my mum works as a church caretaker/sacristan, she works Christmas morning from about 8am til 1pm, we swap presents while dinner is cooking after my mum gets home. Christmas mass is optional, we’re all adults so we can go if we want to and that mostly depends on my mood. But I will admit that I prefer Christmas Eve mass to Christmas morning mass. After dinner, it’s food coma time! Since I’m a gamer, I usually chill with any new games that I get; the upside is I can chill with my family (I own a Switch) while they watch movies but most of the time my bed is really comfy and I like to enjoy the music of new games without disturbing anyone. Christmas is simple in my house, nothing too extravagant: Full family dinner, everyone sitting around the table with music in the background, and then movies and dessert whenever people are ready to look at food again.

If Money Wasn’t an Issue, My Christmas Would…

If money wasn’t an issue, there would be far more presents bought for people that I’m grateful for this year. I have so many people that I would love to be able to show my appreciation for. Back in college, we used to have a pre-Christmas Christmas dinner and I’d love to do that with all my friends. College friends, gig friends and everyone in between. I would also be paying for a lot of Christmas gig tickets including accommodation and travel. I see a lot of Coronas tickets in this future. I might consider buying a massive voucher for McDonald’s too, a year’s supply of art equipment and supplies, cameras, editing and recording equipment for HD YouTube videos, massive amounts of vouchers for Ticketmaster and a year’s worth of gig tickets as gifts as well. Christmas Day itself, I wouldn’t change. Better presents, yeah. Bigger decorations, yeah but that’s all. The day itself is for family. It always has been and it always will be. With unlimited money, I think I’d love to do something either before or after Christmas for everyone. Maybe organise a huge all Irish Christmas gig, foot the bill for everything, spoil all my favourite musicians a little, and just give music and good memories to as many people as can fit in a massive venue for free. And, honestly, I’d want to help people who really struggle with Christmas and offer funding to the charities that help those people who are homeless or have no where else to go.

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