November Monthly Round-Up

November Monthly Round Up

Well, November is over and it’s time to drag Michael Bublé out of the closet to croon out Christmas classics (Merry Christmas Mr. Bublé. No, Mariah, you stay there!), grab the Celebrations and park your butt in front of the TV for the nearly annual Harry Potter marathon on RTÉ and, if you’re Niamh, dress up as an elf for work. (You make it sound so.. dressed as an Elf! I help keep the magic alive and hey it is fun. I look hella cute too). This is me (Emma) getting into the Christmas spirit people! This is not a drill! But at the start of a new month, we look back at last months favourites and forward to the 12 posts of Blogmas to really get you in the Christmas spirit. I highly recommend people get an ‘elfie’ (a selfie with an elf) while they can. 😛

Book of the month

E: I have to say I really enjoyed reading ‘The DUFF’ by Kody Keplinger. I know it was made into a movie not too long ago but I think that, in this case, the book surpasses the film in multiple areas but either way you learn the same lesson as Bianca. But I’m not going to spoil it on you.

N: I only read one book this month. A golden oldie when trying to feel better. It was ‘The Mediator Series’ by Meg Cabot. She released it in recent years as the same series but with updated titles. If you are a fan of Ghost Whisperer on Sky Living, this book series is for you. 

TV Show Picks

E: I suck at watching TV shows so when I start binging shows next month or in the New Year, I’ll let you all know what I think of certain shows. Movies I can do but for some reason TV shows have to be really amazing to grab my attention.

N: Gilmore Girls, my go to when everything hits the fan. Primarily Seasons 1-3 and then every guest appearance from Milo who plays Jess in the series. I would highly recommend it to everyone but, this one is mainly for the girls.

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendation: 

E: I had a few choices to pick from for this month but the winner is ‘Tolkein’ starring Nicholas Hoult and Lily Collins. I adored this look at the early life of the world renowned author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. J.R.R. Tolkein was a man of stellar imagination and writing ability and to get a glimpse into his early life was really and truly mesmerising.

N: I’ve been a Christmas movie cheesy binge since November 9th so, please see my cheesy bad movie recommendation. 

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

E: The Knight Before Christmas – it’s cheese at its finest but parts were also filmed in Offaly so that’s why it’s getting my vote. Plus it’s always nice to see Vanessa Hudgens in movies.

N: Last Christmas – you may see a theme here. Christmas movie season has started! Even if it is November and they usually all are cheesy AF. Last Christmas hit cinemas the middle of November. 99% of the movie is cheesy but, watch out for the ending. I didn’t see it coming, did anyone?

Gaming Picks 

E: League of Legends. With, League of Legends created and animated Hip Hop group, True Damage dropping their single Giants and the 2019 League of Legends World Championship Finals in Paris in November, it’s really not a surprise that League of Legends drew me back in. My goal now is to get a good enough internet connection and an epic laptop to get back to being a one girl wrecking crew in League of Legends. Don’t ask me about League unless you want me to talk your ear off… you’ve been warned. “Yes that was a banana….No-one expects the banana”

N: With not owning a switch and with the new Pokémon game arriving this month. I resorted back to my Nintendo 2DS and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. After all these years? Always ❤ I really do love playing Pokémon.


Single of the Month

E: Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi dropped this month and all I can say is wow. Lewis released such a personal and emotional song and I’ll admit that I’ve cried more than once listening to it. It is heartbreaking to hear him ask throughout the song if there was more he could have done and said and it is an unfiltered look at how much of an impact that the lost and suicide of someone close can have on someone else’s life. For someone who is so genuinely funny and has such a fantastic sense of humour, Lewis really has such a huge emotional range and clarity in his music. Hey Lewis, can we be friends? You sound like great craic but like you also need a hug.

N: I honestly couldn’t pick anyone except Lewis! Emma has it summed up lovely. Go give ‘Before You Go’ a stream.

Album/EP of the Month 

E: Rather than pick a new album for this month, I’m going to pick an album that I’ve been in love with from the word go: Sucker Punch by Sigrid. It really is an amazing collection of songs. My personal favourite songs would have to be Sight Of You and Mine Right Now.

N: Music was AMAZING this month in my opinion. I have an album of the month and an EP of the month. 

Album: Aoife Scott ‘Homebird’. This one is slowly making its way into a place in my heart. ‘Homebird’ is the second album from singer/songwriter Aoife Scott. It is incredibly easy to listen to be it for background music or for self listening. I was blaring it in work all of November. Personal favourites include: ‘Homebird’ , ‘Irish Born’ and ‘Do Mhuirnín Ó’. Check out her version of ‘Dublin Saunter’ for a blast from the past as it was a song she remembers her grandmother singing. Trust me by the second chorus’ to all of Aoife’s songs on the album you’ll have a fair jist of the songs to sing them back (maybe not ‘Do Mhuirnín Ô” but you get my drift). It is the first album in forever that I really like each song on the album, there isn’t one I’d skip over in favour of another! Her album can be pre ordered it will be released on 24th January on her website . Myself and a number of people got it early as we backed her on crowdfunding to help her with the final hurdle of getting the album out there. Incredibly proud of Aoife for this body of work, everyone needs to listen to it at least once. Aoife has an album launch on January 22nd in the Button Factory. Tickets are €21.94 from and I have booked it off work to avoid missing this one. Get yourself a ticket if you like what you hear.

EP: Thanks Brother ‘EP 1’. Can we just say was this ever not going to get a mention for November! Thanks Brother finally released their debut EP… EP 1. It includes five songs. Four of which have been single ‘Call It Love’, ‘FML’, ‘We Caught It’ and ‘We Are Different’. The new song to the mix is ‘Better This Way’ and if you buy the physical copy also include an acoustic version of ‘We Caught It’ which I personally adore. ‘We Caught It’ is always going to be my favourite! Physical copies of the EP can be bought on, you can catch them in Galway Thursday night and tickets can be got from Roisín Dubh website!

Favourite Thing About November

E: It is once again socially acceptable to drink hot chocolates and dress in oversized hoodies. My time to shine!

N: Can I say that the month is finally over? Missed out on a number of gigs this month that I was meant to go to and with everything else going on. I’m gonna have to say that the month is finally over!

Favourite Item of the Month

E: This month my favourite item is my little backpack handbag. It has been so helpful over the last few shopping trips; especially when I’m with my brother, who always brings a battery pack for his iPhone 

N: My clipboard. The to do list at work has gotten longer and longer in the run up to the Christmas Experience. The clipboard was my bible the last couple few weeks.

Event of the Month?

E: Seeing the Coronas in Kilkenny. I won’t see them again until next year but thank you for singing Warm, my favourite of their songs, and then they put it on a jumper!!! I have a mighty need!!!! Unfortunately, I won’t get to say a proper goodbye to Dave, the Coronas guitarist, who is leaving the band but thank you for your contribution to some truly incredible music Dave. You’ll be missed.

N: Thanks Brother headliner in Whelan’s! Best night in gigs all year. Really hope both Róisín and John are delighted with themselves! It is great seeing them both growing in confidence with every gig. Support on the night was from Luz Corrigan, she is one of my ones to watch for 2020! I did an entire blog post about the gig go give it a read if you want to hear my honest insight on the night. I will say an A+ night from all involved. 

Moment of the Month

E: SIGRID AT INDIEPENDENCE 2020. I may be a tiny bit excited. Can you see why I picked her for Album of the Month now? 😉

 N: I honestly don’t have one for this month that stands out from the rest. Unless you count 5 Seconds of Summer announcing a Dublin tour date but, I still have to get tickets so… we will see.

Your Quote of the Month

E: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

 N; “Is it also a beautiful nightmare, on the other side?” – As It Is

Three things you are most excited about for December? 

E: Well firstly, I’m off to London (again!) for another gig but I’m looking forward to the trip itself as well as the gig (and who knows, I might just make another video about it). The second leg of Wild Youth’s tour is kicking off in a matter of days and you know I’m going to too many dates. Honestly, if those lads aren’t sick of me by now I don’t know what is wrong with them. And, lastly, I’m looking forward to Christmas, more for the chill out time after all the cooking and cleaning is done. I’m the family cook so once I don’t destroy the dinner, I’ll be happy. Bring on the Christmas movies! 

N: Firstly, I am really hoping I get to all the gigs I have penciled into my diary this month. Some hiccups happened in November and I missed a number of ones I had hoped to go to. Let’s hope I get to The Coronas, Wild Youth x2 and Chasing Abbey. Secondly, IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!!! My favourite time of the year so from picking presents, Christmas movies and all the festive drinks. I am 100% on board. Lastly, PARTY WEAR SEASON! Anyone who knows me knows I love glitter and sparkles. So, regardless of how tired I will look this month… I will always be dressed to the nines for a social occasion!

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