October’s Monthly Round-Up

October is over and it has been a crazy month. Spooky season has ended and it is creeping closer to Christmas. We were in London and saw the wonderful Coronas, the ever fabulous Ruthanne in Dublin and I (Emma) got to see the kick off of the Wild Youth winter tour in Cork and hear some new music that I’m very excited to hear on the radio sooner rather than later. But, as always, the end of a month means we get to share all of our favourite things from last month with all of you. We’ve been crazy busy lately and have lots to talk about so let’s jump right into it, shall we?

Book of the month

Emma: For me, it was one of my Booktober reads called ‘The Fandom’ by Anna Day. A really good book if you’ve ever wondered what it’d be like to be thrown into the deep end of your favourite book/movie/TV show and become the main character. 

Niamh: Like Emma the book this month was influenced by Booktober. ‘A Discovery of Witches’ by Deobrah Harkness gets the no.1 spot on my list this month. Witches, Vampires, Demons, a love twist and an old manuscript. Sign me up please! It’s also a tv show so, give it a watch if you don’t want to read such a long book. It is worth the page count though!

TV Show Picks

N: American Horror Story has gotten my vote this month. Not my favourite season out of all of the previous season but, it still has me glued to my screen every week. Liking a number of the twists and turns in the season so far. 

E: I haven’t watched a huge amount of  TV this month but I will be watching the His Dark Materials series on BBC 1 and catching up on Derry Girls and Peaky Blinders for November.

Movie Picks

Good Movie Recommendation: 

N: The Joker. It was the DC movie that I needed in my life. I loved it alot. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure you put it on the top of your must-see list. Mind Blown doesn’t even begin to describe it! 

E: The Joker – just a must see movie. It was crazy in the best way.

Cheesy Bad Movie Recommendation:

N: It’s A Boy/Girl Thing. I watched that three times this month just to watch something cheesy when feeling under the weather. Still no where near understanding men or women but the movie is a good giggle.

E: Probably The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser, not necessarily a bad movie just cheesy. Still love it though.

Gaming Picks

E: Lately, gaming has been the last thing on my mind but I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on Link’s Awakening and Pokemon Sword/Shield as soon as I can and playing them for a stupid amount of time. Until then I’ll be speeding around Hyrule hunting Koroks on my Master Cycle Zero 

N: 100% blunt honestly unless it is Mario Cart on my phone I haven’t been gaming much this month. Booktober and illness took over my life. Toadette for the win though! 

Music Single of the Month? 

N: My absolute bae is back and be ready for all the music to come in the coming months! Niall Horan ‘Nice to Meet Ya’ wins hands down this month. Not only did we get one recording of it, we got a stripped back version too (I do prefer that one). Cannot wait to hear what’s to come. I should also mention ‘Call It Love’ Thanks Brother. Extremely different to everything else they have brought out and second single wise this month, due to Niall being away for so long.

E: I was really only aware of one single release this month so it’s the only one I can choose, though the stripped back version is the better of the two versions release. But, yeah, Nice To Meet Ya, Niall Horan. Hopefully, you’re future releases all have a similar vibe.

Album of the Month 

E: I have to choose between two awesome albums but I know that Niamh is going to pick a particular album and I 100% agree with her so I’ll pick the other option: Dermot Kennedy’s ‘Without Fear.’ It is without a doubt a stellar album and lyrically so beautiful that it deserves all the recognition it gets plus, with tracks like ‘Rome’ and ‘All My Friends,’ this album is an emotional rollercoaster. Grab the tissues if you’re the emotional type.

N: ‘Matters of the Heart’ Ruthanne. The queen slayed with her debut album. An amazing concept album I laughed, danced, cried and fell in love with music all over again. I won’t ruin too much but, make sure you give it a listen. ‘Liquid’ is my bop.

Favourite Thing About October

E: Halloween! Sweets! I didn’t get to dress up this year but the newest additions to my wardrobe, courtesy of my Halloween outfit, are definitely favourites. Let’s add a little sparkle to the holidays, yeah? 😉

N: It’s blanket season again curled up by the fire! What an amazing cuddle month it has been in my down time. My dogs are appreciating the fire also.

Favourite Item of the Month

N: My blanket fort. It’s been a crazy month. Between work, sickness, travelling and down time. The blanket fort saw it all and I am grateful to being able to wrap up and stay in one place (even if it was for 10 minutes sometimes).

E: I got a new blanket that has a hood and  gloves. It has Stitch on the hood and ears and I’m never ever ever getting rid of it, you can’t make me.

Event of the Month?

N: Ruthanne in Academy Green Room. Such a great night. My god can that woman sing! She is one of my female crushes and I am in awe of her voice.

E: Do we count my adventure from London to Cork as one event? I will. Two amazing gigs in two countries in two days and every moment of it was worth it. I love being able to experience music live and the fact that the music that I love takes me on such amazing journeys is crazy to me and I really hope I can keep enjoying the music I love for a long time to come.

Moment of the Month

N: After a long day Em met me on the train en route to Kilkenny with a Latte from my favourite coffee shop and a Gingerbread man. My Halloween was filled with treats!

E: Hearing a new favourite song for the first time and immediately falling in love with it. It’s truly something special and I’m really hoping and praying it makes an appearance on an EP or as a single. Where Are We Now – Wild Youth

Your Quote of the Month

N: “I suffer from girlnextdooritis where the guy is friends with you and that’s it.” – Taylor Swift.

E: “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – Lewis Carroll.

Three things you are most excited about for November? 

N: Thanks Brother’s EP it is out November 15th people!!! I cannot wait! Gigs with acts I haven’t seen in forever and some I haven’t seen in a few months (Aoife Scott, Hamsandwich, Laoise, Thanks Brother and Chasing Abbey); and lastly Christmas prep in work. Cannot wait to help make magical memories again for children at work during the holiday season. Reception Elf and Photographer ready for duty! 😉

E: Gigs. Lots of gigs not as many as times gone by but still plenty. Also the last two races of the F1 calendar which decide 3rd, 4th and 5th place in the driver’s championship. Yes, the championship has already been won but there’s plenty of reasons to still enjoy the words “Lights out and away we go!” Lastly, I will be drinking so many hot chocolates. I live for my hot chocolates.

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